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Everything posted by davehardy

  1. acarsmap.js or ajaxmap.js? because i cant find the ajaxmap
  2. will double check, i set my ftp client to overwrite all so it shouldve.
  3. Updated to 1.2 and now the map doesnt work on Live Map link, http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/index.php/acars but it works fine on all other pages. Winmerg says files are identical ??? Dave.
  4. Yeah i read the update guide but im still not interested in it, maybe i might after ive got it installed..........who knows I just want to fly planes and rack up hours, dont want to balance the fuel or tank it so i dont use up to much money etc lol
  5. This new update is going to be awesome without a doubt but for me personally i dont want the finance side of it. I have FSPAX and hated it lol and i was on FSAirlines system before VMS and didnt like having to earn cash to pay for leases and aircraft etc, its all too much like real life lol. Will there be a way of disabling it or maybe release a Finance free version?
  6. very cool thanks
  7. I state that new pilots need to fly 1 flight in the 1st 14days from joining so i need to know when they joined, can that info be added to the pilot profile? Cheers
  8. OK i added 2 new profile fields and set them not to show on the profile but only on the registration. Registration would not work until i removed them.
  9. Not that ive seen, would they be obvious?
  10. I thinkso
  11. OK thats good as i can remove ANY then I think its a hosting problem as Monarch live map works and its been setup by me witht he same settings
  12. OK i have 3 aircraft. SB20 with the REG SB20 JS41 with the REG JS41 ANY with the REG ANY If i flew a flight assigned to JS41 with a SB20 and set SB20 in fsacars would that stop it from showing on the map?
  13. FSACARS 4.0.15? Can you add support for flights with a letter at the end like EZE63N? Is that a big job? It appears that its sending data to the DB as phpvms_acarsdata is populated (see attachment) phpvms_acarsdata.png
  14. This is driving me nuts now..............this is how i do it from all the "fixes" and posts ive read on these forums. Ive done fresh FSACARS install, downloaded a clean .ini from the pilot center and removed EZE from Company ICAO= This allows the me to sucessfully file logs to our site, the only thing not working is the live map. This is all flights including other members who are running clean installs like described above, ive now tested a flight EZE63N with the N removed and still no live map. There are also 2 settings in FSACARS: Plane Positions and Status ACARS Online Do i need to tick these?
  15. Took the leter out and still no flight tracking, do i need to set anything in fsacars settings?
  16. OK i will test this tonight, you might be right about that as Monarch dont have letters and their flights show up.
  17. OK just done a flight heres the full log to date. log.txt
  18. log is 151kb wont attach, this is the code from a successful flight from yesterday Array lat=54.086018&long=-4.621848&GS=0&Alt=59&IATA=T&pnumber=EZE0021&depaptICAO=EGNS&depapt=ISLE%20OF%20MAN&disdepapt=0&timedepapt=00:01&destaptICAO=EGNT&destapt=NEWCASTLE&disdestapt=116&timedestapt=13:34&Ph=2&Regist=SB20 STATUS UPDATE Array ( [lat] => 54.086018 [long] => -4.621848 [GS] => 0 [Alt] => 59 [iATA] => T [pnumber] => EZE0021 [depaptICAO] => EGNS [depapt] => ISLE OF MAN [disdepapt] => 0 [timedepapt] => 00:01 [destaptICAO] => EGNT [destapt] => NEWCASTLE [disdestapt] => 116 [timedestapt] => 13:34 [Ph] => 2 [Regist] => SB20 [module] => ACARS => fsacars [redir] => status [id] => status [icao] => [pilotid] => status [action] => status [request] => fsacars )
  19. My live flight map on eastern airways isnt showing any flights, could this be my host? Cheers
  20. I remember sometime ago a post about removing the airline code and just putting the numbers so ive been doing that since. Nearly all airlines use letters at the end of the flight numbers so thats a biggy i think.
  21. OK i got it to send a log successfully with a LOG Sent popup!! The only thing i did different was put full number in Flight Level like 11000 and in the Flight IATA i put the full callsign like EZE65R, but the pirep on the site chopped the R off the end. log.txt
  22. http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/index.php/pireps/viewreport/20 http://www.monarchvirtual.com/monarch/index.php/pireps/viewreport/11 The pirep_viewreport.tpl code is identical but pages have different output...... :-
  23. yeah ive had 4 good filed reports out of 20, this was the LOG from one that worked. [2009/01/03 16:28:00]*Flight IATA:4095*Pilot Number:EZE0008*Company ICAO:EZE*Aircraft Type:SB20*Aircraft Registration:G-CDKA*Departing Airport: EGNT*Destination Airport: EGPD*Alternate Airport:EGPC*Online: No*Route:BALID ALASO*Flight Level:220*16:28 Zero fuel Weight: 39784 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 8408 Lbs*16:31 Parking Brakes off*16:31 Com1 Freq=136.80*16:34 VR= 130 Knots*16:34 V2= 151 Knots*16:34 Take-off*16:34 Take off Weight: 48082 Lbs*16:34 Wind: 285? @ 008 Knots Heading: 247?*16:34 POS N55? 02? 05?? W001? 42? 06?? *16:34 N11 128 N12 128*16:34 Gear Up: 168 Knots*16:34 TOC*16:34 Fuel Weight: 8290 Lb*16:49 Wind:318?@029 Knots Heading: 347? Ground Speed: 374 Knots Altitude 18769 ft*16:54 Gear Down: 269 Knots*16:55 Flaps:1 at 224 Knots*16:55 Flaps:0 at 199 Knots*16:56 Flaps:1 at 193 Knots*16:57 Flaps:2 at 174 Knots*17:00 Flaps:4 at 115 Knots*17:04 Wind:277?@010
  24. Nope still not working, im going to try a fresh test install as this did work when i 1st installed it. See if i can reverse the process and getting working again.
  25. Yeah VABase blows in my opinion and i had nothing to do with it!
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