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Everything posted by davehardy

  1. Also on clicking Logout the page gets stuck in some sort of loading loop war with googlemaps lol and wont open the page. index.php/Login/logout
  2. OK the update and the beta worked. I go in the ADMIN select VIEW ALL PILOTS choose a pilot and set to INACTIVE and return to DASHBOARD select VIEW ALL PILOTS select the INACTIVE pilot and his status says ACTIVE Does this stay ACTIVE and its actually INACTIVE or is it broke?
  3. I also get this when deleting my DB #1451 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`easternv_vms2/phpvms2_pilots`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms2_pilots_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `phpvms2_airlines` (`code`) ON UPDATE CASCADE)
  4. testing it today, my database has a different prefix changing the beta sql to match is ok i guess?
  5. yeah ive never got that to work, i dont know why it doesnt i think its database permissions it doesnt write to the DB but i will try it again.
  6. OK im going to delete all my files on the FTP saving the PAGES and local.config.php file, then upload all the files in this beta zip. copy my local.config.php and pages folder back to the FTP and that should all work yeah?
  7. ive never got the update to work since the 1st one lol must be my server, so i always do a full install.
  8. the newest version? 1.2.661 but it still tells me im on 1.2.628 but i downloaded the current version in Downloads......
  9. The new Active/Retired working? I set pilot to Inactive then save then go back in to their account and its showing Active.....
  10. http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/index.php/ I have a mini menu at the top of my index called from the header <ul class="nav"> <?php Template::Show('core_navigation2.tpl'); ?> Since i updated it doesnt show public or logged in
  11. OK the working VMS with no admin error is running Build 610 (Version 1.2.610) but the one thats giving me the error is running Build 628 (Version 1.2.628) lol Im stuck......its a fresh install too.
  12. Yeah this is weird i have two VA's on the same webserver one VMS works fine no error but the other gets this same error, driving me nuts lol.
  13. davehardy


    I get this same problem
  14. import is attached in the 1st post
  15. The airports i was importing are already on the system and i still got these errors, never had this problem before...was vms using XML in this area before?
  16. Both airports are already added
  17. Not sure if im nissing a file after the update but i cant use the schedule update, i changed my csv to the new format and i just get all these errors. DO NOT REFRESH OR STOP THIS PAGE ICAO not added... retriving information: Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/easternv/public_html/eva/core/common/OperationsData.class.php on line 348 Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://ws.geonames.org/search?maxRows=1&featureCode=AIRP&q=) [function.simplexml-load-file]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/easternv/public_html/eva/core/common/OperationsData.class.php on line 348 Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://ws.geonames.org/search?maxRows=1&featureCode=AIRP&q=" in /home/easternv/public_html/eva/core/common/OperationsData.class.php on line 348 Found: - (,), airport added Aircraft "ADN.UP600.KLONN" does not exist! Skipping ICAO not added... retriving information: Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/easternv/public_html/eva/core/common/OperationsData.class.php on line 348 Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://ws.geonames.org/search?maxRows=1&featureCode=AIRP&q=) [function.simplexml-load-file]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/easternv/public_html/eva/core/common/OperationsData.class.php on line 348 Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://ws.geonames.org/search?maxRows=1&featureCode=AIRP&q=" in /home/easternv/public_html/eva/core/common/OperationsData.class.php on line 348 Found: - (,), airport added Aircraft "ADN.UP600.KLONN" does not exist! Skipping ICAO not added... retriving information: Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/easternv/public_html/eva/core/common/OperationsData.class.php on line 348 Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://ws.geonames.org/search?maxRows=1&featureCode=AIRP&q=) [function.simplexml-load-file]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/easternv/public_html/eva/core/common/OperationsData.class.php on line 348 Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://ws.geonames.org/search?maxRows=1&featureCode=AIRP&q=" in /home/easternv/public_html/eva/core/common/OperationsData.class.php on line 348 Found: - (,), airport added Aircraft "ADN.UP600.KLONN" does not exist! Skipping The import process is complete! EGPD-ENZV.zip
  18. very useful thanks
  19. When i click "Logout" my website has spasm's trying to load a googlemap or something but it never does so it keeps trying over and over until i re-open the page. Also would it possible to have a option to re-send the Welcome email to members plus maybe a mass email button? Also get members whos emails loose these emails
  20. Might need it in Norwegian
  21. yeah i figured out the htmlhead file and that fixed the Map Cheers Nabeel, great as always! One more thing everybody seemed to have joined on this date 12/31/1969 any ideas?
  22. OK ive fixed it all! Uploaded all the new templates in to my custom Skin folder.
  23. yeah the map thing is something to do with my templates as it works on the Crystal skin, damn ive looked at all your change logs and cant see anything different
  24. I iwll add all my found probs in this thread to keep it together for ya Nabeel. When i click on Add To Bid it takes me to a blank page http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/action.php/Schedules/addbid/ and doesnt bid.
  25. ive re-upped the new acarsmap.js and its still not working.
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