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Everything posted by teamsiems

  1. Awaiting issues fixed thanx Same thing happened here - 1 of 4 logos is a fail for upload. http://vacentral.net/assets/airlines/sdg_sddsglobal/logo_small.jpg
  2. Can we have multiple vacentral api keys in local.config.php? Each airline receives a different VACENTRAL_API_KEY Can I keep defining new VACENTRAL_API_KEY or will it just take the last one in local.config.php? I have 4 airlines in my phpvms and I want to register all of them with vacentral.net.
  3. Is it cruise altitude? Because it could mean cruise speed. You might want to specify this in the Documentation and the Add & Edit Aircraft form. All the form has is Cruise.
  4. thanks. i knew it had to be simple.
  5. We are going to make a group of four airlines. I installed phpvms so I am "CEO" of the first airline. Is there a way to give admin access to the other 3 CEO? I looked through the forum, docs, even the database for a setting.
  6. Understood. I was just venting a little. I wanted to delete unused airports. It could give a warning of pending doom if you try to change data that would effect recalculations. Thanks for the responses.
  7. phpmyadmin...that's what I was afraid of. There is nothing in the admin panel to remove an airport - that's bad design.
  8. Since the forum does not allow search on less than 4 characters and the Documentation "forum" is less than adequate, I guess I have to do this the old fashion way and throw a fishing line out and see who responds. I'm trying out phpvms and I cannot delete hubs (e.g. default KJFK). What's the best way to do that? Thanks.
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