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    Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada

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  1. Rod

    Need Assistance

    So are live flights listed in the pireps table or only flights that have landed and been submitted?
  2. Rod

    Need Assistance

    So basically we have to wait until he disconnects for it to resolve, then hope he doesn't reconnect!
  3. Rod

    Need Assistance

    Is their a way to recover his deleted account. Then reactivate it so he is listed in the active roster, then look him up in the phpvms admin / Pilots & Groups / View All Pilots.... to get his IP then block it?
  4. Rod

    Need Assistance

    His pilot id is not in the pilots table anymore, he was already deleted from the pilots table. If the flight is still live how would it be listed in the pireps table until filed? Thank you for your assistance Parkho
  5. Rod

    Need Assistance

    When the flight reappears in the phpvms_acarsdata it looks like this no name is displayed or Lat/Long. what can we do to resolve this issue? how to we completely remove his account from the system?
  6. We have an issue we can not solve and need assistance please. We have a flight which is displaying on our Live Flight Board from a pilot that was removed/deleted. This is messing up how the Live Flight Map/Live acars Map is displaying. I have deleted the flight from phpvms_acarsdata which fixes the issue for a few minutes, then the flight just reappears after a few minutes which then messes up the maps again. Could anyone please assist us in resolving this issue. We are using: phpVMS Version simpilot 5.5.2 Custom Kacars
  7. Thanks ProAvia
  8. Been there done that unfortunately all links are no longer valid, thanks anyway for your efforts ProAvia
  9. Hello everyone, Our VA uses Version simpilot 5.5.2 I'd like to start Auto Accept/Reject Pireps submitted by our custom kACARS that was developed by FS-Products. Is there any such module available ? Could anyone point us in the right direction for us to accomplish this goal. We are not apposed to paying for quality services. Thank you
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