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Everything posted by BaconTuxedo

  1. I installed but I get a weird message about how send.xml is denied
  2. I looked into a tutorial in the kAcars section, but it says install a module into the core. Where is the core and how do I install there?
  3. I couldn't find ther core folder
  4. We did everything right. Can I send you the files to look at?
  5. My friend made a really nice skin for the Project Opensky B777-200ER, but for some reason, it just shows a chrome body and black engines. How can I fix that?
  6. My friend made a plane skin, but it doesen't work. Can anybody help?
  7. If anyone would like to, I need some plane skins done for my airline.
  8. Thank you so much
  9. I know this is really nooby, but where is the core folder?
  10. I'm working on a new skin. I just started the website
  11. Where is the local config that I need to add it to?
  12. There is no readme in either of the downloads
  13. Patriot Airlines is now recruiting! Follow these links: http://www.flypatriotairlines.net/ http://www.fsairlines.net/en/va/PTR Thanks in advance for our new pilots!
  14. For some reason, nobody can register to my VA, www.flypatriotairlines.net The reCapcha says something about an invalid reCapcha key Please help
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