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Everything posted by elekaj34

  1. Hello, Thanks, I've only added to the airport LFMT, my hub and not EIDW. By adding EIDW, the calculation is now correct
  2. Hi guys, I've just installed phpVMS 2, added one new airport HUB (in addition of the default KJFK), and 2 scheduled flights (from and to the new airport). The new airport is LFMT, the 2 new schduled flights are LFMT to EIDW and EIDW to LFMT. I've flown these 2 scheduled flights with Xplane and xacars. All was fine. But when the PIREP was validated, the miles flown remains to 0 as my to flights have respectively 782 and 771nm (so a total of 1553nm). So in the maintenance page, I've ran the "Recalculate distances", and now the 2 PIREP's has 2627.91 nm for the distance and the total miles flown to 5256nm ! So I've noticed that the phpvms_navdata table is empty, but was populated with the navdata.sql file in the install folder and doesn't change anything ! In addition, all the cache were cleared ! But the total miles flown remains wrong ! So how to fix this issue ? Thanks a lot, Alain
  3. Hello After having pvpVMS working, I've installed the EVENTBooking beta 1.3 modules ! In phpMyAdmin I've created the table as needed and it's OK. I've done nothing else ! In the admin panel, I've the "Event" entry on Addon menu, but when clicking on it, the page remains blank (cf screenshoot below) I've tried to create (successfuly) an event link in the admin navigation bar (as shown in README.txt), but the page is already blank ! So what I've missed ? Thanks !
  4. Hello all, I was able to have phpvms working after installing the phpvms full package AND uploading the phpvms upgrade package without deleting the old files before ! But it fails if I upload only the full or upgrade package ! Thanks !
  5. Hello everybody, I try to get phpVMS working for my new VA I've uploaded in first time the phpvms.full.zip package on my web hosting. I've some issues solved by reading this forum and thanks for this at all of you. Finaly the installation was done successfully. But when going on my homepage I've the following error : So, I've tried with the phpvms.upgrade.zip but this not fix the issue I've seen a post on this forum, but with no solutions to solve this What I have missed ? Thanks a lot for your help
  6. Hello everybody I use this topic because I have the same problem. After solving some issues with this post : http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/20629-most-common-fixes-phpvms-installation/ My installation seems to be OK, but when I visit the home page of my news VA I get the following message : For your information, I've first uploaded the phpvms.full.zip package and in way to solve my last issue, I've uploaded the phpvms.update.zip package ! But not tried the beta package ! Thanks for your help
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