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  1. It's decided to work today, so the issue is gone. Not sure what caused it.
  2. The table exists and I'm pretty sure it isn't corrupt, since the ranks are visible in the pilot center.
  3. I was adding ranks to my VA, which I'm configuring, and my crappy free host's MySQL server is pretty shoddy (I'm gonna get a paid host in a few days, though). Anyway, as I was adding a rank, there was an error message that said something about how the MySQL server went away. I've used forums on this host and this hasn't happened before, but it was happening yesterday when I was trying out VAM. Anyway, point is I can't view ranks, this is what I get: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/u865990431/public_html/admin/templates/ranks_allranks.tpl on line 15 This isn't just a session error, since this happens in Firefox. Anyway, brand new install, so this is pretty annoying and some help fixing this would be very appreciated.
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