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  1. for example i have only to put this in my wixsite and thats it? or how? thanks =)
  2. i found some information at other forum, but its really hard to understand, maybe you guys can. By the way thanks for the help. !--Insert into the layout.php file first before calling any outside scripting Below initializes the call functions.This also MUST be in between the <head>HERE</head>. NOT the <body> See below for calling your outside pages.--> <!-- start call outside scripts-html etc pages--> <script type="text/javascript"> var rootdomain="http://"+window.location.hostname function ajaxinclude(url) { var page_request = false if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // if Mozilla, Safari etc page_request = new XMLHttpRequest() else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // if IE try { page_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") } catch (e){ try{ page_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch (e){} } } else return false page_request.open('GET', url, false) //get page synchronously page_request.send(null) writecontent(page_request) } function writecontent(page_request){ if (window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1 || page_request.status==200) document.write(page_request.responseText) } </script> <!-- end of call outside scripts initializing coding. For the <head> area, by Jungle--> <!--/==============================================================================<body tag>/--> <!--How to call your pages ! Place in <body> only, anywhere you feel it functions good. Do not enter a named domain, the (rootdomain makes the script call, just add the folders as example below--> EXAMPLE:::: <script type="text/javascript"> ajaxinclude(rootdomain+"/myphpvms-va/core/pages/mymenu.html") <!--you can call anything!--> </script>
  3. Hi is any way to embed the live map and airline map that are installed on php server and php web, via HTML CODE on web side that work via HTML? please help
  4. should i understand custom tracker as custom smartcars?
  5. Hey we want to know how we can assing turn overs (in spanish rotacion) go for EXAMPLE FROM (A) TO (B") TO (C")TO (A) we have seen that norwegian autoassgin this schedules to pilots, and we want to know how that coud be done! thanks for the help!
  6. Custom tracker? or dropdown menu in the bid are? whats the better option? thanks for help guys rally apreciate
  7. I want to ask how we can configure to do as Vezy do. the possibility to change the aircraft for the schedule, and the see that in the airline map is update that change. we need to buy a module or its easier?
  8. Hi, IM EDUARD GASULL fligth ops assitant ofr reivax VA, we have a problem with the schedules. After a few weeks the schuedeles are inactive, they autodisable for some reason we dont know. Any advise or solutions? thanks!
  9. yes, we know it, but this is the manually way. but we whant our phpVMS UPDATES automatically to update the pireps, the total hours, the total fligth, the total money, etc etc etc of all our pilots becuase it doestn work automatically, so for that reason i asking how we can do a cronjob to that where we can get direct support to solutionate that!
  10. and for the cronjob? what we have to do?
  11. hahaha okey i will think about it! i have fix the airport issue!
  12. AND THE URL IS www.reivax-air.com
  13. and also the look up utiliy to add aiports doesnt work, it stais thinking a lot of time and nothing happens
  14. For thejumpseat system we use the module phVMS from Crazy Creatives (advaced Figth Search) but for someway a lot of plots cant see it, it gives and error onya Little few users can do it and only with internt explorer on Windows 7, thats so extrange. beause on google chrome the same users cant do it. we have 250 routes aprox, every day of week. we wanta cronjob that makes posible to mantain and report and update (in an automatic way) de hours of all pilots, the tota hous flown, payments, rest accars. i mean that allthis information updates every tim thtt a pilot finih fligtha send is pirep, to make possble to see thouse cganges and updates inthe genral stadistics frm the VA, in the personal profile o pilots. ths cronjob is in the adminitrator page form the php VMS. and anothr problema is that some airports re wrong detected s LEZG Zaragoza, becase pilos cant start fligths from there becaus it says wrong scnaro we try to edit with anothr coordenats but no solution please help
  15. okey, the main problema we have are two: 1. we cant do jumpseats for some reason only a few users that use Internet explorer on Windows 7 (an not all) are the only one that can do de jumpseat, but thouse séame users over other navigation software chrome or Firefox cant do it. The same problema for viewing routes we cant see all the routes, for example in chrome we can see al the routes but in internet explorer not. An finally we can´t set a cron job so, we dont know what we are doing wrong, but we hav to it manually, and we hav acctually try to set as its says in the isntruccions of the web. PLEASE HELP! THANKS AND SORRY FOR MY POOR ENGLISH
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