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Everything posted by MarceloAntonioLavorGatinho

  1. man, look in ops_schedules.tpl really?? O.o you repeat " You have xx charter flight in your list and you have xx charter flights to add!" 30 times?? terrible for who need translate it. Delete the lines between 310 to 1176 and in line 310 put this below: if($count < 30) { ?> <table border="0" width="100%" dir="rtl"> <tr> <td align="right"> <div align="center"> <table border="0" width="85%" dir="ltr"> <tr> <td> <font style="font-size: 9pt;" face="Tahoma" color="#FFFF00"> <b> <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/images/charter/count.png" border="0" height="24" width="29"></b></font></td> <td><b><font face="Tahoma" size="2" color="#FFFF00">You have <?php echo $count; ?> charter flight in your list and you have <?php echo 30 - $count; ?> charter flights to add!</font></b></td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> <td align="left" width="20%"> <p align="center"> <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/charter/addschedule"> <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/images/charter/add_charter.png" border="0"></a></td> </tr> </table> <font color="#FFFF00"> <?php } else { ?> You're welcome and very very thx for this nice job!!!!!
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