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  1. omarmerhabi


    Actually, I am
  2. omarmerhabi


    Hi! So I downloaded the skin and did everything the instructions said, but I got this.
  3. Hi, I am looking for someone to skin my VA website for me. I don't have ANY money so I can't pay you but what I can do is I can display your name on our VA website one we are up and running. Please send me an email at ecoairva@gmail.com. Thank you so much in advance.
  4. So when I log on to my site I don't see my live ACARS map. I learned that is because I need to add a google maps API. My question is which maps service API should I use and where and how do I place my API key. (I.e. VaCentral gives you the coding you need with the API key to put in the local.config.php file).
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