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sgraypgh last won the day on March 5 2023

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  1. I started to play with it, but wasn't having much luck. I will keep at it and if I find something that works, I will share it.
  2. Just wondering if anyone has tweaked the Live Map icons to match certain types of aircraft? Currently, the commercial jet is shown but we operate DC3, DC6, B350, etc., and would like to display based on the actual aircraft. Thanks in advance.
  3. sgraypgh


    Any plans to capture the dep and arrival airport weather and include that in the Pirep Fields information? I seem to recall some other Acars being able to capture the wind direction and speed, IFR or VFR, or sometimes more detailed weather information.
  4. Perfect, thank you for the direction! Just amazed at the level of understanding you have with all of this stuff.
  5. I have set the default ground handling fee to zero, as I use the Dispo Special version with Expenses. Unfortunately, they both still show up on the Pirep Finance page, but the default is just blank. Is there a way to not have the default version show up?
  6. Your explanation was very helpful and now makes perfect sense. I was completely misunderstanding the connection, but certainly do now, so thank you very much. There are some features I was thinking would be implemented, but it doesn't seem they are and that's fine. I can certainly live with all of the great features you have already provided. Sorry to be such a pain in the butt.
  7. Well I am having a heck of a time with this issue. I am using the following Settings: Only show/allow flights from their current location Aircraft restricted to user type ratings Only allow aircraft that are at the departure airport Flight has a subfleet assigned and that subfleet has a type rating assigned. Pilot isn't in that airline (but I don't have the setting to limit to pilots company) and doesn't have the type rating The system is displaying all flights from the current location regardless of subfleet and type ratings. Is this correct behavior? As expected, if I uncheck the show flights at current location, then all flights are displayed, again including ones that the pilot doesn't have aircraft type ratings. Sorry to bring this up again and thanks in advance for any help. The type rating stuff just seems to be killing me. PS: I have tried with using Rank for specific aircraft and the flights show as above.
  8. While not a professional pilot, but a private pilot and in the airport industry for over 30 years, I understand the FAA rating system and not those outside of that. It is not that I don't want to use type ratings, rather the opposite. I was just hoping not assigning a type rating to a subfleet would allow pilots to use that aircraft if within their rank assignment. So it seems like the only solution with using both rank with assigned aircraft and type ratings is to assign all aircraft some type rating (could be SE, ME, or just a single catch-all rating like pilot.) and then assign that type ratings to every pilot and all aircraft subfleet that don't have a true type rating requirement. You could then use aircraft assigned to ranks to filter based on the pilot's rank. Appreciate your feedback and continued assistance.
  9. The SE, ME, IR, CFI, CFII, and ATP are Pilot Ratings and are not Type Ratings. Type Ratings are aircraft specific that a pilot may have. The issue I am having with the current setup is that if you don't assign a type rating to the subfleet and have the system checked for type rating, the flight won't show even if you include the aircraft in the rank settings. I guess I was hoping that if no type rating is assigned, then the system wouldn't "require" one to see the flight even having the settings option on. The restrict to pilot rank works fine, but both together don't. I will do some more testing to see if I can find a solution. EDIT: I misspoke, the flight shows but then you can't select an aircraft in ACARS as no aircraft are available in the dropdown.
  10. I have noticed that if you restrict pilots to aircraft by rank and by type rating, aircraft subfleet without a type rating assigned won't show up. So can you only use one of these options unless you assign type rates to every aircraft? Then you would have to assign every pilot type ratings for every aircraft. Type ratings in the US are only necessary for aircraft over 12500 if I remember correctly. Thanks for any advice.
  11. Thank you for your continued support, you have a great theme and addons!
  12. I also had to fix the Dashboard weather as well, as it had the same issue.
  13. Given that the existing coding is not correctly displaying it, I didn't really have much of a choice. Also, my VA is based in the US so generally won't be an issue. For the unlikely reason someone does fly outside of the US, I highly doubt they will be using that information for their weather reports anyway. I suppose I could display both, like it is done with Pressure.
  14. I was able to edit the app/Support/Metar.php to correct always using km and converted it to mi.
  15. Oh my, after resetting the view cache everything worked. My sincere apologies for all the questions and trouble. Really do appreciate your efforts!
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