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Everything posted by Bonanza123d

  1. Hey all, Very long time since I have posted about any of my modules. I have been working extremely hard on what could be a revolutionary product for phpVMS, and now I'm finally ready to show it off. Introducing Apex Flight Ops, a next generation flight center for phpVMS, featuring a map at the center of it all, just like Volanta, Elavetex, Microsoft Flight Simulator, and other trackers with a map centric UI. You can now try it out FOR FREE and experience Apex, relatively risk free, by signing up at https://apex.cardinalhorizon.com/ Read our announcement for a bit more info too: https://medium.com/@taylorbroad/hello-apex-flight-ops-63386b5c7540 Here are a few screenshots for the UI.
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  2. Hello Everyone, I am very pleased to announce that my latest contributions to the phpVMS ecosystem are now available on the Cardinal Horizon GitHub. First, CHTrips! CHTrips is a module that can be a few things packed into one package. It's the first module I would say would be considered a "framework" module. For End Users, Trips is a robust free flight system that allows for tracking of progress on a sequence of flights. Users can quickly create a sequence of flights in your system (that are hidden) that are related to one another. For Developers, (Coming Soon) Trips's robust database schema, events, and services, will provide a framework to allow developers to rapidly build Tours, Events, or Missions systems! Using CHTrips alongside your own module ensures that phpVMS performance isn't lost by multiple plugins conflicting with PIREP events, or other sections of the system. CHTrips can be found here: https://github.com/cardinalhorizon/CHTrips Second, CHPirepSS! CHPirepSS is a very simple module, with a very simple feature: Allow for PIREPs to be converted from ACARS to Manual. Has your community ever encountered an issue where ACARS crashes in a unrecoverable state, and you instruct your pilot to file a Manual PIREP? Well, why not simply convert the PIREP that's already in the database and has telemetry data, into a manually filed one? No more duplicate PIREPs because of software being software! CHPirepSS contains a very simple widget meant to be placed in your manual pirep creation screen. Imaged below is a example: CHPirepSS can be found here: https://github.com/cardinalhorizon/CHPirepSS For both of my modules, I am very interested in your feedback. If you wish to do so, please feel free to open an Issue on either repository. Thank you for your support!
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  3. The best method I have found was to move the index.php file to wherever you need to move it and edit the 2 important directories it calls. Here's the index.php file default for Laravel: /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Register The Auto Loader |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Composer provides a convenient, automatically generated class loader for | our application. We just need to utilize it! We'll simply require it | into the script here so that we don't have to worry about manual | loading any of our classes later on. It feels nice to relax. | */ require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php'; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Turn On The Lights |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | We need to illuminate PHP development, so let us turn on the lights. | This bootstraps the framework and gets it ready for use, then it | will load up this application so that we can run it and send | the responses back to the browser and delight our users. | */ $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php'; This is the index.php file I am implementing for TFDi's Shared Hosting system. Works like a charm inside the public_html folder: // Notice the VAOS directory change require __DIR__.'/../VAOS/bootstrap/autoload.php'; $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../VAOS/bootstrap/app.php'; What you need to do is change the directories to make sure they hit those bootstrap files and you're completely home free. That's how I got VAOS (aka Laravel) to work on even free hosting. The only thing you would need to then worry about is security. Laravel having it's own public folder is very smart as you cannot directly access any critical files by playing with the URL unlike other CMS systems. This of course as you have experienced first hand can be a pretty daunting problem. The other issue that would need to be considered is storage. Laravel runs all it's storage through the /storage/app directory however with Artisan you would need to create a symlink for VAs to have a "File Manager" built into the system. This opens up a separate can of worms for another post. Long story short is that there are many ways to slice the cake. If you want to chat more, hit me up on my Discord server. Would love to talk about unifying the VA in a way which will allow everyone to benefit from our two systems. https://discord.gg/xWFPf4W
  4. As for forums, it can be pretty lucrative to just code them in Laravel. That's what I have been looking at doing at least for some of my stuff.
  5. Hey Nabeel, Salutations from the Virtual Airline Operations System project. How far off are you on this project? Maybe we can make our systems compatible. Just a developer note from us. We have had issues with supporting Laravel on Shared Hosting. That will need to be something to be considered.
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