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Everything posted by JustinFHI

  1. Yes it is my own root-server. I can write to the table but only via SQL-Query and via an extra script. Via kACARS it doesn't work...
  2. Hi, here is the structure
  3. Doesn't anybody know an answer?
  4. Hi, you can fix it like this: //Script order <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage'); ?> //Content of frontpage_recent.tpl <?php $pir_sel = "SELECT * FROM pireps WHERE pilotid = 'Auth::$userinfo->pilotid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5"; $pir_go = mysql_query($pir_sql); while($report = mysql_fetch_object) { <li><a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/viewreport/'.$report->pirepid);?>">#<?php echo $report->pirepid . ' - ' . $report->code.$report->flightnum?> <span class="icon-align-left"></span><strong> Flying from <?php echo $report->depICAO . ' to ' . $report->arrICAO?></strong></a></li> } ?> I know that doesn't work with modules, but I think it's the easyst method.
  5. Hey Guys, I am currently program at a Trackingsystem, but I have a problem. We use in our airline kACARS only. For the Tracker, I have to change the "kACARS_Free.php" Module that, when kACARS send the liveupdate, these data also insert into a second table called "tracker_daten". Here the Code from liveupdate only. Rest of the code is default: <?php case 'liveupdate': $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($xml->verify->pilotID); $lat = str_replace(",", ".", $xml->liveupdate->latitude); $lon = str_replace(",", ".", $xml->liveupdate->longitude); # Get the distance remaining $depapt = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($xml->liveupdate->depICAO); $arrapt = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($xml->liveupdate->arrICAO); $dist_remain = round(SchedulesData::distanceBetweenPoints( $lat, $lon, $arrapt->lat, $arrapt->lng)); # Estimate the time remaining if($xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed > 0) { $Minutes = round($dist_remain / $xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed * 60); $time_remain = self::ConvertMinutes2Hours($Minutes); } else { $time_remain = '00:00'; } // Start Trackingrecord $pid = $pilotid; $flug = $xml->liveupdate->slightNumber; $acrf = $xml->liveupdate->registration; // $lat // $lon $alt = $xml->liveupdate->altitude; $gs = $xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed; $dep = $xml->liveupdate->depICAO; $arr = $xml->liveupdate->arrICAO; $rte = $xml->liveupdate->route; $deptime = $xml->liveupdate->depTime; $eindeutige_flugnummer = $pid.$flug.$dep.$arr.$deptime; $md5id = md5($eindeutige_flugnummer); $sql = "INSERT INTO tracker_daten ('pilot', 'flug', 'acrf', 'lat', 'lon', 'alt', 'gs', 'dep', 'arr', 'rte', 'deptime', 'md5id') VALUES ('$pid', '$flug', '$acrf', '$lat', '$lon', '$alt', '$gs', '$dep', '$arr', $rte', '$deptime', '$md5id')"; $go = mysql_query($sql); // End Trackingrecord $fields = array( 'pilotid' =>$pilotid, 'flightnum' =>$xml->liveupdate->flightNumber, 'pilotname' =>'', 'aircraft' =>$xml->liveupdate->registration, 'lat' =>$lat, 'lng' =>$lon, 'heading' =>$xml->liveupdate->heading, 'alt' =>$xml->liveupdate->altitude, 'gs' =>$xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed, 'depicao' =>$xml->liveupdate->depICAO, 'arricao' =>$xml->liveupdate->arrICAO, 'deptime' =>$xml->liveupdate->depTime, 'arrtime' =>'', 'route' =>$xml->liveupdate->route, 'distremain' =>$dist_remain, 'timeremaining' =>$time_remain, 'phasedetail' =>$xml->liveupdate->status, 'online' =>'', 'client' =>'FlyHigh.acars', ); #$this->log("UpdateFlightData: \n".print_r($fields, true), 'kacars'); ACARSData::UpdateFlightData($pilotid, $fields); break; The problem now is: MySQL-Table "tracker_daten" is stil empty, but "acarsdata"-table become new data. Can you help me?
  6. Thank you! We need all airports for a funktion in a fuel-calc.
  7. Hi, has anyone a SQL-Table of all airports of the world? When not, can anyone help me to import all airports via PHP? Thanks!
  8. Hello, can you reupload this Add-On? I've get an Invaild-Link-Error.
  9. no one?
  10. Closed! Problem fixed!
  11. Hello, we have a big problem with our Pilots-Page. You can open it, but it's empty. We haven't change anything. Can anyone help us?
  12. Have someone the zip-file and can upload this in board?
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