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  1. Hey there. I'm having a problem with my Live Map, even though it was working just a couple of days ago. The URL of the VA website is fsxccvirtual.com. I am using the crewcenter skin, however the map issue remains even if I revert back to the crystal skin. Attached is an image of the errors that are shown when I hit cmd+option+J (I'm using a mac). The issue is that a pilot's completed flight is still showing up on the map, even though he arrived more than a day ago. Also, new flights are no longer showing up on the map while someone is en route. I am fairly new to php code, so any help would be appreciated! EDIT: Under the dropdown next to $c, the error continues... message: "initMap is not a function" name: "InvalidValueError" and it continues for many more lines
  2. Hey guys. I love this skin, I'm just trying to add to it now. I'm trying to add a pilot list that is skinned like the rest of the site. I'm having a lot of trouble though. I'm completely new to coding, but I tried to use the code that was provided for a pilots list on page 1 of this thread. I can't get it to work though. Any help?
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