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Everything posted by LeonardIGO4036

  1. Nope actually. I'm developing something for phpvms7. Once Nabeel releases the public version, I'll complete the skin and release it.
  2. Uhm. If it's stuck at the loading part, then the problem should be with some JavaScript file which is not loading properly / not found. When it's loading up, the favicon (the icon on the top of the browser page) should also be loading, if it's static, it means that the problem is because of the above mentioned reason. If so, try this, press Ctrl + Shift + C (Inspect Element). In the console, you'll find something which says '<div class="preloader">' Remove the word preloader from the class and press enter, and send me the screenshot of it.
  3. Yeah, you cannot access it without the "index.php" followed by the name of the module you're trying to access. Normally, it'll redirect to the "Profile" page. I am still unable to guess what exactly you're facing. Can you try describing it again?
  4. Okay, I'm not sure if I'm the right person to help you out with this, but long ago, I've done this to my site. Download the Phpvms v5.5 and put it on your sub domain directory and run the "install/update.php" Guess that would help.
  5. Hey Anush, I built and tested iCrew with Phpvms v5.5 I would strongly suggest that you update your Phpvms and use the skin.
  6. Can you check the other pages if it's working ? This issue mainly occurs when the skin is not configured. It's easy to do that, just add a couple of lines to the local config and you're done.
  7. No, with the downloads you'll find a folder called 'icrewlite'. Paste that inside the lib > skins and then open your local.config.php and paste the config lines.
  8. Hey! Mark's Crew Center is a really good one. In that he's instructed the people to install Phpvms first on a subdomain. Since iCrew Lite is also a crew center not a regular Skin, I asked people to install it on a subdomain. This is what I meant. And regarding the creds, yup, the mistake was on my side, I was using Port 21 instead of 22. Will check this out ASAP and let you know. Sorry for the inconveniences you had faced.
  9. Uh oh, let me make something very clear buddy 1. I don't sit around and do this for a living. I live in a different time zone, and the time when you texted me first, it was 03:00 AM in the morning. I still texted you back, I still checked out the issues, from a pilot side, but you weren't even using my skin, nor you didn't have it put on the skins folder. 2. I can understand that you want to keep your logins clear and secure, but even when I told you that I am fixing it, the credentials which you gave me were still wrong. If your credentials are wrong, how do you expect me to fix your website ? I can help you, only if you let me to.
  10. Okay, from what you've described you might have these two files messed up, Just paste these lines into your registration_mainform.php and registration_senconfirmation.php 1. <style> body { background: url(http://jet.iflyva.in/iCrew/backgrounds/b777.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100%; } </style> <div class="login-box"> <div class="logo"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><?php echo CREWCENTER_TITLE ?></a> </div> <?php if(isset($message)) echo '<div class="alert alert-danger"> <h4><i class="icon fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> Error</h4> '.$message.'</div>'; ?> <div class="card"> <div class="body"> <form action="<?php echo url('/registration');?>" method="post"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" name="firstname" class="form-control" value="<?php echo Vars::POST('firstname');?>" placeholder="First Name"> <?php if($firstname_error == true) echo '<p class="error">Please enter your first name</p>'; ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" name="lastname" class="form-control" value="<?php echo Vars::POST('lastname');?>" placeholder="Last Name"> <?php if($lastname_error == true) echo '<p class="error">Please enter your last name</p>'; ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" name="email" class="form-control" value="<?php echo Vars::POST('email');?>" placeholder="Email"> <?php if($email_error == true) echo '<p class="error">Please enter your email address</p>'; ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="password" name="password1" id="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Password"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="password" name="password2" class="form-control" placeholder="Confirm Password"> <?php if($password_error == true) echo '<p class="error">'.$password_error.'</p>'; ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <select name="location" class="form-control"> <?php foreach($countries as $countryCode=>$countryName) { if(Vars::POST('location') == $countryCode) $sel = 'selected="selected"'; else $sel = ''; echo '<option value="'.$countryCode.'" '.$sel.'>'.$countryName.'</option>'; } ?> </select> <?php if($location_error == true) echo '<p class="error">Please enter your location</p>'; ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <select name="code" id="code" class="form-control"> <?php foreach($allairlines as $airline) { echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'">'.$airline->code.' - '.$airline->name.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </div> <div class="form-group"> <select name="hub" id="hub" class="form-control"> <?php foreach($allhubs as $hub) { echo '<option value="'.$hub->icao.'">'.$hub->icao.' - ' . $hub->name .'</option>'; } ?> </select> </div> <?php //Put this in a seperate template. Shows the Custom Fields for registration Template::Show('registration_customfields.tpl'); ?> <div class="form-group"> <?php echo recaptcha_get_html(Config::Get('RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY'), $captcha_error); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-8"> <a href="<?php echo url('/login'); ?>">Already have an account</a> </div> <div class="col-xs-4"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-flat" name="submit" value="Register" /> </div> <!-- /.col --> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Jquery Core Js --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/plugins/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- Bootstrap Core Js --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/plugins/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js"></script> <!-- Waves Effect Plugin Js --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/plugins/node-waves/waves.js"></script> <!-- Validation Plugin Js --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/plugins/jquery-validation/jquery.validate.js"></script> <!-- Custom Js --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/js/admin.js"></script> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/js/pages/examples/sign-in.js"></script> 2.. for the Sent confirmation one <style> body { background: url(http://jet.iflyva.in/iCrew/backgrounds/b777.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100%; } </style> <div class="login-box"> <div class="logo"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><?php echo CREWCENTER_TITLE ?></a> </div> <?php if(isset($message)) echo '<div class="alert alert-danger"> <h4><i class="icon fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> Error</h4> '.$message.'</div>'; ?> <div class="card"> <div class="body"> <div class="alert alert-success"> Success, your registration was filed. Our Staff will moderate your application soon. This process may take upto 48 hours. </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Jquery Core Js --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/plugins/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- Bootstrap Core Js --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/plugins/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js"></script> <!-- Waves Effect Plugin Js --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/plugins/node-waves/waves.js"></script> <!-- Validation Plugin Js --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/plugins/jquery-validation/jquery.validate.js"></script> <!-- Custom Js --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/js/admin.js"></script> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/iCrewLITE/js/pages/examples/sign-in.js"></script>
  11. I guess, at this point of time, i have to say that the installer needs more fine tuning. Better use the skin directly. I'll try to find a solution for the installer.
  12. Are you quite sure that this came with iCrew LITE ? Looks familiar to Mark's CC
  13. Ah, dont worry This was also a reported issue, and I resolved it a week ago Get the latest commit from my repo. Or just get the code from this and replace it https://github.com/iCrewSystems/iCrewLITE/blob/master/iCrewLITE/registration_mainform.php
  14. I just fixed the errors with @lauriejd's VA. The problem is, either you haven't configured the StatsData.class.php or you haven't installed the rest of the modules which I've mentioned in the documentation. Make sure you've installed all the 5 add-ons which are required.
  15. UPDATE : The Skin has been updated, and the installing instructions have been made more clear. I apologize for not being able to respond on time to few of you, I wish to state that i had met with a motorcycle accident and was unable to read all of your texts. To the People who have said that I've done a great job, Thank you so much for using and supporting iCrew. People who have messaged me regarding help, I guess I've got back to all of you. Get the latest commit from my GitHub, If anything goes wrong, feel free to text me up. I'll be available
  16. What exactly did you try to edit? Can you post a screenshot?
  17. That's strange, but you used the installed or just did it all manually? I'm happy that it worked for you. If any assistance needed, contact me.
  18. Contact me on PM, I'll do it for you. Sorry for the trouble you faced mate.
  19. You're angry for this mate? Seriously? I sent it to 4 other people before making it available to the rest of the community, how come they didn't face any problem? Everyone has different levels of comprehending. If you are willing to help, then please try to make SIMPLE DIRECTIONS for the rest of the people too. I hope this doesn't come out the wrong way.
  20. You don't point the installer buddy. Have you installed phpVMS on a subdomain? If you are stuck with how to create one, follow this (http://support.hostgator.in/articles/cpanel/what-is-a-subdomain-name-how-do-i-create-and-delete-one) So, once you are creating a subdomain, it'll ask you to point a folder for the subdomain, at that time, put in a folder, for example 'icrew' and create the subdomain. Once that's done, you need to paste all of the files which you downloaded (It'll be one folder called iCrew LITE) into that folder which we newly created. No install phpVMS on to this subdomain. (Paste the phpVMS installer file and put the site URL as 'icrew.YOURVA.com' So the contents of the subdomain folder should have the following contents if you have installed phpVMS correctly, -icrew --admin --core --lib If you have these folders, just paste the iCrewLITE folder into the same. Now run the iCrewLITE installer or manually put them in lib>skins
  21. If you have the basic knowledge, then yes, paste the files under lib>skins and you'll be good. And I did check the installer with 4 different domains. It worked perfectly, there is clearly something which everyone is missing out, I'll try to find out what it is at the earliest.
  22. Okay, so did you create a subdomain ? When you create a subdomain, you would need to point it at a specific folder. So that folder would be named iCrew (or pretty much of your choice)
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Hello fellow VA Admins, I am taking a very great pleasure to announce that iCrew LITE is finally hitting the arena. I initially planned to have this as a payware release, but i wanted to give back something to the community which helped me gain alot of knowledge in coding. Seriously, i owe you guys big time That is why i have released this as a freeware release. This Crew Center was designed using the Twitter Bootstrap framework, by far the best platform which works spectacularly on all your devices, and such devices include your PC, Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android mobile phone etc. I have tried my best to make sure this Crew center is dynamic, which means everything happens automatically without you having to change/monitor something all the time. There are some internal tweaks here and there, some main things I've modified are, The New Feed. Now each of your News will come in the feeds with a "#", Example : "New Hub Added" will be displayed as "#newhubadded", I managed to fetch the METAR and Charts for all the Airports using cURL method, and also, I've added a nice little animation of getting the live METAR as a cherry on top , and I've also managed to add a simple "Focus Airports" module too. I guess this is enough for this forum post If you have any issues, anything at all, don't hesitate to disturb me, I'm always open for help. INSTALLATION : Simply follow what the documentation says, to make it as easy as possible, I've also included an installer along with documentation. (In short phpvms-Dummy-Friendly ) Happy New Year Gentlemen!
  24. [Free] iCrew LITE skin 2018 designed for phpVMS View File Hello fellow VA Admins, I am taking a very great pleasure to announce that iCrew LITE is finally hitting the arena. I initially planned to have this as a payware release, but i wanted to give back something to the community which helped me gain alot of knowledge in coding. Seriously, i owe you guys big time That is why i have released this as a freeware release. This Crew Center was designed using the Twitter Bootstrap framework, by far the best platform which works spectacularly on all your devices, and such devices include your PC, Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android mobile phone etc. I have tried my best to make sure this Crew center is dynamic, which means everything happens automatically without you having to change/monitor something all the time. There are some internal tweaks here and there, some main things I've modified are, The New Feed. Now each of your News will come in the feeds with a "#", Example : "New Hub Added" will be displayed as "#newhubadded", I managed to fetch the METAR and Charts for all the Airports using cURL method, and also, I've added a nice little animation of getting the live METAR as a cherry on top , and I've also managed to add a simple "Focus Airports" module too. I guess this is enough for this forum post If you have any issues, anything at all, don't hesitate to disturb me, I'm always open for help. INSTALLATION : Simply follow what the documentation says, to make it as easy as possible, I've also included an installer along with documentation. (In short phpvms-Dummy-Friendly ) Happy New Year Gentlemen! Submitter LeonardIGO4036 Submitted 01/18/18 Category Skins
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