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4 files

  1. Clarity Crew Center

    About Clarity Crew Center
    Clarity is a phpVMS Crew Center built on the latest bootstrap technology. Clarity is designed to be installed in a sub directory phpVMS installation and used as a crew center, whilst a HTML webpage is used for your welcome page to your virtual airline.
    Download the file and unzip the clarity folder to your phpvms skins directory via ftp - phpvms/lib/skins
    Documentation is included in the zip folder
    Requires a phpVMS installation of
    Footer Link
    We appreciate you downloading our skin for phpVMS and ask you to please keep the footer link to us "Developed by Creation Web"
    If you keep this in the footer we will happily backlink to your website. Just send us a message with your airline name, logo and site url. This will help boost your SEO as well!
    Bug Reports
    Please report any bugs to us at services@creationweb.uk or leave a comment on this download.
    Notice for Customers who have purchased Clarity Crew Center in the past
    If you have purchased this theme from us in the past, then you will be entitled to a free copy of Clarity Admin Skin on release.
    Ver 1.2 - 22/01/2021
    Fixed php array issue on flights in progress. Special thanks to ProAvia 😙  
    Ver 1.1 - 19/11/2020
    Drop down notifications. Showing the latest activity for the airline Air Mail compatibility with Drop down notifications Latest Pilots on front page Flight board on front page Current Metar for your location on crew center main page Button to return to main site Downloads page optimization Booked flight page fixes Previous flights page fixes Hub page fixes  
    Ver 1.0 - 21/04/2020
    Initial Release


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  2. [Free] ElaSkin 2018 - Designed for phpVMS

    Hello everyone, I'm happy to announce my new free skin for phpVMS. A skin made in ElixarCode.
    DEMO: Demo not working, because I don't have a host. Sorry guys, I don't have money now. I'll try to fix.
    IMPORANT: This skin was made for phpVMS 5.5x.
    Download the ElaSkin-2.0 file and the StatsData.class.php file; Place the file "StatsData.class.php" installed in your common folder, located in core/common (this file will add a method that counts the pilot's total miles, without it the skin gives an error); Now let's move on to the installed "ElaSkin-2.0" file. First open the folder "Modules (Required)", there you will find the two modules (AirMail and TouchdownStats), inside of them there is the file "readme.txt" telling all the details about the author and how to install, follow the steps; Now go back to the main directory of the file "ElaSkin-2.0", where you would find the folder "Skin Folder (Put in lib-skins)", inside it will have the folder "ela", put this folder in lib/skins on your FTP (NOTE: THE PASTE MUST BE CALLED "ela"). All files should already be where they should be, now let's go to your phpVMS administrator panel, where you should go to "General Settings" tab and in "Current Skin" select "ela" in the dropdown. The skin should already be updated, go back to your dashboard and enjoy!  
    This skin is designed using the Bootstrap framework, meaning it is fully responsive and works well on all sized devices, including desktops, tablets and phones. ElaSkin is not a complete website skin, it is only a pilot center application, designed to be installed into a phpVMS installation.
    Please note that this skin is still being developed, and I hope to update it and add new features over time. You should be able to just overwrite the existing files to update it. It may also have bugs and issues. If you find, feel free to post an issue report here.
    If you have any feature, plugin skiing or custom VA branding requests, feel free to post a reply below.


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  3. deepBlue

    This a deep blue skin with a 3 column blog style layout.  Includes a custom public profile as-well as a pilot dashboard.


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    1 comment


  4. [Free] iCrew LITE skin 2018 designed for phpVMS

    Hello fellow VA Admins,
    I am taking a very great pleasure to announce that iCrew LITE is finally hitting the arena. I initially planned to have this as a payware release, but i wanted to give back something to the community which helped me gain alot of knowledge in coding. Seriously, i owe you guys big time  That is why i have released this as a freeware release. 

    This Crew Center was designed using the Twitter Bootstrap framework, by far the best platform which works spectacularly on all your devices, and such devices include your PC, Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android mobile phone etc. I have tried my best to make sure this Crew center is dynamic, which means everything happens automatically without you having to change/monitor something all the time. 

    There are some internal tweaks here and there, some main things I've modified are, The New Feed. Now each of your News will come in the feeds with a "#", Example : "New Hub Added" will be displayed as "#newhubadded", I managed to fetch the METAR and Charts for all the Airports using cURL method, and also, I've added a nice little animation of getting the live METAR as a cherry on top , and I've also managed to add a simple "Focus Airports" module too. I guess this is enough for this forum post 
    If you have any issues, anything at all, don't hesitate to disturb me, I'm always open for help.


    Simply follow what the documentation says, to make it as easy as possible, I've also included an installer along with documentation. (In short phpvms-Dummy-Friendly )
    Happy New Year Gentlemen! 


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