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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    Site Hacked

    tried re uploading the skin, but still get the same message. I cleared the Cache. I can't access the Admin portion either, despite being registered as 001. Alex
  2. Alex

    Site Hacked

    My Airline www.atlasvirtualairlines.com has been hacked. I believe this may have been by a disgruntled ex virtual employee. pilots, scheduled, routes, have been deleted. when i try to open the website i get this messge. [b]Notice[/b]: The template file "/home/atlasvir/public_html//lib/skins/CURRENT_SKIN/header.tpl" doesn't exist in [b]/home/atlasvir/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php[/b] on line [b]248[/b] [b] Recent Reports[/b] No reports have been filed [b] Newest Pilots[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [b]/home/atlasvir/public_html/core/templates/frontpage_recentpilots.tpl[/b] on line [b]3[/b] [b] Users Online[/b] [i]There have been 0 user(s), and 1 guest(s) online in the past 20 minutes.[/i] [b]Notice[/b]: The template file "/home/atlasvir/public_html//lib/skins/CURRENT_SKIN/footer.tpl" doesn't exist in [b]/home/atlasvir/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php[/b] on line [b]248[/b] Have some files also been changed or hacked? Thanks in advance for any support. Alex
  3. looking through the search functions when viewing all pilots in my admin, i notice i cant search for the ID. Going into Admin/templates/pilot-list.tpl i see this: <script type="text/javascript"> $("#grid").jqGrid({ url: '<?php echo adminaction('/pilotadmin/getpilotsjson');?>', datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', colNames: ['','First', 'Last', 'Email', 'Location', 'Status', 'Rank', 'Flights', 'Hours', 'IP', 'Edit'], colModel : [ {index: 'id', name: 'id', hidden: true, search: false }, {index: 'firstname', name : 'firstname',sortable : true, align: 'left', search: 'true', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'lastname', name : 'lastname', sortable : true, align: 'left', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'email', name : 'email', sortable : true, align: 'left',searchoptions:{sopt:['li']}}, {index: 'location', name : 'location', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','ne']}}, {index: 'status', name : 'status', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'rank', name : 'rank', sortable : true, align: 'center', searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','ne']}}, {index: 'totalflights', name : 'totalflights', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['lt','gt']}}, {index: 'totalhours', name : 'totalhours', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['lt','gt']}}, {index: 'lastip', name : 'lastip', sortable : true, align: 'center', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: '', name : '', sortable : true, align: 'center', search: false} ], pager: '#pager', rowNum: 25, sortname: 'lastname', sortorder: 'asc', viewrecords: true, autowidth: true, height: '100%' }); jQuery("#grid").jqGrid('navGrid','#pager', {edit:false,add:false,del:false,search:true,refresh:true}, {}, // edit {}, // add {}, //del {multipleSearch:true} // search options ); </script> i changed it to this to include the Id field, but i dont return any id numbers: <script type="text/javascript"> $("#grid").jqGrid({ url: '<?php echo adminaction('/pilotadmin/getpilotsjson');?>', datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', colNames: ['Id','First', 'Last', 'Email', 'Location', 'Status', 'Rank', 'Flights', 'Hours', 'IP', 'Edit'], colModel : [ {index: 'id', name: 'id',sortable : true, align: 'left', search: 'true', searchoptions: {sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'firstname', name : 'firstname',sortable : true, align: 'left', search: 'true', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'lastname', name : 'lastname', sortable : true, align: 'left', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'email', name : 'email', sortable : true, align: 'left',searchoptions:{sopt:['li']}}, {index: 'location', name : 'location', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','ne']}}, {index: 'status', name : 'status', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'rank', name : 'rank', sortable : true, align: 'center', searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','ne']}}, {index: 'totalflights', name : 'totalflights', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['lt','gt']}}, {index: 'totalhours', name : 'totalhours', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['lt','gt']}}, {index: 'lastip', name : 'lastip', sortable : true, align: 'center', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: '', name : '', sortable : true, align: 'center', search: false} ], pager: '#pager', rowNum: 25, sortname: 'lastname', sortorder: 'asc', viewrecords: true, autowidth: true, height: '100%' }); jQuery("#grid").jqGrid('navGrid','#pager', {edit:false,add:false,del:false,search:true,refresh:true}, {}, // edit {}, // add {}, //del {multipleSearch:true} // search options ); </script> Could someone point me in the right direction. Thanks Alex
  4. not wanting to jump on the bandwagon, but well, i will. Same issue here, 33 pireps waiting to send, with the api server error. Thanks Alex
  5. Sorry to bump topics, (i don't like doing it) but i realise this has been asked for by a number of people. Thanks Alex
  6. you can create a user and password that has restricted access to the database. this allows you to use it for all your pilots automatically.
  7. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1522-fleet-table/ there is also of course Simpilots RealSchedule lite, which only allows a Pilot to fly from his last location unless he/she purchases a jumpseat ticket. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2791-realschedulelite-beta-10/ hope that helps. Alex
  8. Nabeel, Just a quick one to point out a small error in the "key" for the Virtual Airlines. where is says S P H F PI underneath says "shedules pireps hours flights pireps. It should of course read Schedules *pilots* hours flights pireps. Cheers Alex
  9. I'm trying to get a time search function working within the schedules search system. I'm looking to use the following parameters. less than 1,5,10,24 hrs <div id="time"> <p>Select Nearest Departure Time :</p> <select id="type" name="type"> <option value="less">Less Than</option> </select> <label> <select name="time" id="time2"> <option>1 hour</option> <option>5 hours</option> <option>10 hours</option> <option>24 hours</option> </select> $params = array( 's.deptime' <= '> 3600', //less than 1 hr ); $schedules = SchedulesData::findSchedules($params); // You can then do: foreach($schedules as $sched) { echo "Flight is {$sched->code}{$sched->flightnum}"; I'm kinda struggling with it so any help would be appreciated. cheers Alex
  10. You can use POST function. http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/php_post.asp alternatively, FG will output to a text file create a gui to read from the text files the values you require the send them via mysql to your database. At AVA we have done just that.
  11. This is probably one for Dave (Simpilot) After trying to use rank restricted aircraft in my VA which turned out to be highly contraversial and unpopular, i thought maybe there was another way of restricting an aircraft until n exam had been completed. So that the pilot needs at least some understanding of the aircraft before being able to pilot it. I'm thinking of before enabling an aircraft for each pilot after an examination award has been approved and awarded. i'm looking for a code which would query a pilots awards prior to approving a flight schedule using a particular aircraft. any pointers or am i barking up the wrong tree? Cheers
  12. PM sent Dave thanks
  13. well im with 5dev so one would assume i would be able to import? Nabeel, any idea?
  14. which folder needs the 777 permission?
  15. tried clearing the cache still the same errors produced.
  16. Have removed all the hyphens from the aircraft registrations, re-exported them, tried adding another schedule but when importing get the same error? This is getting frustrating!
  17. tried that Nabeel. does not work
  18. it goes in your header (if older setup) or layout tpl files
  19. Alex

    $ to £

    look in your localconfig tpl its shows you how to change currency
  20. It does not work Jeff, PHPVMS does allow the hyphen, this one has beat me, i guess i'll have to add each one manually
  21. Jeff, you miss the point. That IS completed. All the aircraft are in the fleet, the aircraft registration is completed which is why i'm baffled as to why its not importing.
  22. I last updated 23/3/11,to Build 934 (Version 2.1.934) all a/c are still there, as i say i can still manually add the schedules, just not by uploading the csv file.
  23. I just checked in navdata in my database for the VOR TRN. there all called Tehran the correct co ords. TRN 551848N 044702W Turnberry (117.5) VOR/DME map linky You would need to find the right one and change its title to Turnberry
  24. I'm currently revamping my schedules and creating some more routes/schedules etc. I have run into a problem thats slightly baffled me. I exported my current schedules and get (its a bit squished displaying here) code flightnum depicao arricao route aircraft flightlevel distance deptime arrtime flighttime notes price flighttype daysofweek enabled AVE 1001A CYZF CYYC AVE-B21 17000 681.568 13:30 UTC 15:00 UTC 1.3 Daily Schedule 625 P 123456 1 AVE 1001B CYYC CYZF AVE-J31 33000 681.568 16:45 18:35 1.5 625 P 123456 1 AVA 1002A CYZF CYRT AVA-B14 33000 614.866 10:20 12:15 1.5 720 P 123456 1 AVA 1002B CYRT CYZF AVA-B14 33000 614.866 15:10 17:00 1.5 720 P 123456 1 AVA 1003A CYYC CYYZ AVA-B36 31000 1453.98 10:25 15:20 3.55 720 P 123456 1 but when i add more in exactly the same way i get the following when importing it back. Aircraft "AVE-B21" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVE-J31" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-B14" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-B14" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-B36" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-B36" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-F59" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-F59" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-F58" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-F58" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-F50" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-F50" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-F51" does not exist! Skipping Aircraft "AVA-F51" does not exist! Skipping both the above are snippits. All the aircraft do exist, the result is zero added schedules. So to clarify, i import back the csv file in the same format as its exported but no joy adding any schedules this way. I can manually do the via admin "add schedules" fine. Thanks for any help Alex
  25. clear the cache then change the airport look up server to the following in your localconfig Config::Set('AIRPORT_LOOKUP_SERVER', 'http://api.phpvms.net'); if the airport look up server part isnt in your localconfig, it is in your app config. Copy it into your localconfig. Its working again once changed. Alex
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