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Posts posted by CSJCB

  1. Hi everyone


    Despite of reading all docs and converstaions related with the subject and even reading it well I do not understand how to put it running, like how to create API's and do not even know where to put those green lines mentioned on the readme files.


    If anyone willing to help will appreciate even if I have to pay for it.


    thank you

  2. hi everyone and thank for your suggestions.


    Manually rejecting PIREP's will be boring as you need to have a look at all PIREP's.


    I was thinking something via ACARS/PHPVMS/ADDON by limiting a flight time on admin/flights page.

    Ex: a flight time calculated for 1h the maximum allowed flight time for this flight will be 1:30 as an example.



  3. Hi everyone


    Is there any possibility of STOP pilots doing unnecessary holdings which only purpose is to be AFK, nothing against with that, but question here is that such holding time ( in some cases of 1 & 2 hours ) are counting as flying hours which is not fare in my opinion.



  4. Downloading via phpmyadmin works but the problem is that when uploading via phpvms as should be is not recognized.


    I tried both CSV versions CSV normal and for excel I dont see any difference between both.


    Introducing such a quantity of flights 1x1 is not a good idea :)



  5. Hello everyone


    My CSV Fleet file doesn't download and I do not know why, as the other ones works great. Initially I was thinking about the size of it, right now has almost 7k lines.


    When I press Export to CSV the sytem start working but soon after I've got a completely white browser page, only visible the url like this https://www.mysite/admin/flights/export


    Any tip on how can I solve this or an alternative to do it because for a 13k flights introducing one by one its a huge task, I'm using for CSV files a free program called CSV Buddy.


    Appreciate any suggestion or solution


    Thank You

  6. Hi


    I have done what ProAvia suggest and it works, however when continue with the installation another error appears

    Writing Tables...

    Wrote tables

    Populating Initial Data...

    Warning: Use of undefined constant TABLE_PREFIX - assumed 'TABLE_PREFIX' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in H:\SERVER\www\PVPEU\core\common\SettingsData.class.php on line 184.


    My line on that file is like that:

    line 184:$sql = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'settings
    line 185:            SET value=\'' . $value . '\' WHERE name=\'' . $name . '\'';


    My I proceed even with this error/warning ?


    thank you all

    DH & PA




  7. Hi


    Thank you for your efforts to help me solving the problem, but unfortunately I couldn't managed yet.

    I have no errors at all, I have done exactly the same way as I always do for external hosting and I'm sure I what I have done was on the local.config.php which is like this:


    I have decided to install from scratch than I upload the files I want however during the installation the following errors occurs:

    Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated in H:\SERVER\www\core\classes\ezdb\ezdb_base.class.php on line 45

    Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated in H:\SERVER\www\core\classes\ezdb\ezdb_base.class.php on line 46

    Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated in H:\SERVER\www\core\classes\ezdb\ezdb_base.class.php on line 47


    I STOP here prior to do something wrong to avoid go back to another instalation.


    Can you tell me if I can proceed with it or how can I solve those 3 errors, the lines 45,46 & 47 contains the following:

    define('ezDB_VERSION','3.00'); ( just include that line so you can see the ezDB vs )
    define('OBJECT','OBJECT', true);
    define('ARRAY_A','ARRAY_A', true);
    define('ARRAY_N','ARRAY_N', true);


    thank you

  8. Thank you for the prompt reply.


    I do have have post the question as it should be and I'm deeply sorry for that.


    What I pretend to say and do is:

    I want to install on a local environment our actual website for some adjustments prior to put it online and testing some other related stuff, and for that I do it as I usually do for an external environment i.e. by creating a DB, user and upload the all SQL tables.

    Adjust the sittings on local.config.php and all is working like a charme.


    I have used the same procedure for localhost, but for some reason doesn´t work, I do believe that might be related with the url on local.config.php I have tried several options but no success so far.


  9. thank you so much, I was suspecting of that while trying to find where the problem was.

    I have sent an email to Jeffrey, its a pity because the Acars is indeed very good and as far as I know there is no other similar.

    Smartacars is a bit different has nothing to do with KAcars, am I right ? I'm not an export on that



  10. Hi folks

    Does anybody knows how to change the url in the application ? I have change my VA url and now i'm facing problems to change it.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled but the application doesnt allow me to change anything on settings, I've got the login screen.

    Its a customized Acars I do believe that is not the problem

    Any tips please, appreciate



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