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Everything posted by Helix1250

  1. Firstly I apologise if this not the correct forum area for this post. And admin please feel free to move it to the correct place. I am really new at doing this and what I want to know is this, is there a way to create a flight schedule for lets say EGKK to EGPH, but when adding a bid I can select the aircraft I want to use for it. What I dont want to do is create multiple schedules for the same route, but for each aircraft I might use it for. Any help and assistance would be very welcome Thank you Rob
  2. Hi everyone, im very new to all this and I am having issues with the live flight tracker. I'm currently using the Ocean blue v2 skin, I have set up the API key so it works. But what I'm finding is when a route is in progress the departure and destination points are incorrect on the map, I have double checked the long and latitudes of the airports and they are correct. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to look at or check, so if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it Rob
  3. Thank you for the link Flyalaska, I used the installer program that David J Clark made, mainly as I am rubbish at installing things. Now its reported as installed okay, but I am getting the following error when I am going to that page. Does anyone have any advice? Notice: The template file "/home/skunkfootcom/public_html/VA5/core/templates/timetable/timetable_index.php" doesn't exist in /home/skunkfootcom/public_html/VA5/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 Rob UPDATE: I have worked out I needed to alter the template file from .tpl to .php. Now working, sorry for the daft question.
  4. Hi everyone, I am very new to phpvms and I am just looking for some guidance, when I go through the cooperate menu in V2 and click on the Timetable link i get that the Module isn't installed. I didn't see that in the external modules folder, can someone point me on how to fix this or where to download and install the module please Thank you in advance. Regards Rob
  5. Hi Nabeel! Thank you for the reply, and thank you for the answer. I'll play with other things on the my site, I've got plenty to keep me busy anyway thank you again! Rob
  6. Good Day everyone, I am a new user to PhpVMS and so far things have been straight forward and easy to sort out which does the creators great credit. What I am not able to do is get the airport function to work, it just hangs on the "Fetching airport data". Now I have looked through the forum and I have tried switching between Geonames and phpvms and neither seem to work. I have removed and installed PhPVMS twice and that has not helped either. I was hoping someone might have a few things I could try, as I say I am new to this and I have exhausted the knowledge I have and tried all the possible things that have come up in here and google as well. Thank you in advance Regards Rob
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