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Posts posted by ChrisSmith


    Hello, I'm trying to set cookies to expire beyond the session. In the /public_html/php.ini file, I changed the setting from 0 to the value below and it still reads expires on session when I inspect in my Chrome debugger. I want to set it to expire in 30 days, so I entered the equivalent amount of seconds in session.cookie_lifetime. Is this correct or do I need to change a setting somewhere else? 


    Thanks in advance for your help.


    Chris Smith,








  2. Hi,

    I'm having an issue where some of my addons in phpVMS do not display the admin sidebar at the top, making it impossible to configure settings. For example, with my "Events" addon, it just shows the text: events/sidebar_events.php

    I get the same with Automatic Flight Assignments where I just get autoassign/sidebar.php.

    I have a bunch of other addons where I do not have this problem.

    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Regards Chris


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