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  1. Servetas, I can tell you Collin, (turbofandude), is a very trustable guy and a great coder. He works for GenerationHost and is very reliable .. No one can "promise" that servers will be up for years to come that is true and there is no way to prove it. BUT .. For how long his ACARS has came already and that his employer and experience that you can trust him enough when he says his services will be around for a long time.
  2. all that comes to mind head when i head a button not working is jquery but what i would do is sign up a test pilot and see if its reoccurring or just a little issue .. And if its just the one pilot do the phpMyadmin
  3. Is it when you click the registration page or is it after you actually click register ?
  4. WelkaT

    Sky Template

    Thanks for the nice comments . I appreciate it !
  5. Could you explain this in greater detail like is it giving you a error like a database connection error ?
  6. That can do it to . Glad you found the issue .
  7. I had this issue once .. Its something with the server config i would see if your host reconfigured something recently . I dont remember which exact setting it is .
  8. WelkaT

    Sky Template

    Im back with something to contribute to the community .. Thought I would share a templete with everyone here. Sky template Do not remove By MyVADesigns in footer To change the header image replace the header.jpg in the images folder You must change the nav-bar to your as i left them all "#" so you can put them in your self or put the default phpvms nav code . For the pilot login on the right side go to the code and change the register and forgot links to your URL . Sample picture of what the Sky skin looks like : Live Demo of Skin : Here Download Sky : Here If you need help just ask . Enjoy! -Taylor
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