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  1. Hi guys I'm React developer and I want to design my own virtual airline based on phpvms v2 Is there any solution to integrate it with react? Thank you
  2. Hi My name is Amir hossein, I'm CEO of Iran Airtour virtual airline based on phpvms I'm ready to skin for your vAirline you can order your custom skin by email me : amir.mahdioun@yahoo.com All skins price is only 20$ You can visit my virtual airline with my custom skin which designed by me from here : iatva.ir Regards,
  3. Hi Guys I want to restrict pilot to fly from last arrival airport , how can I do this? Please help me on this issue Regards
  4. Yes i know but cant save all that data in my mind 😂 Thank you so much regards
  5. Yes, Unfortunately that is not good. It shows 05 or 12 etc. How can I find out which aircraft was 12? that's too bad feature in emails Thank you for your response Regards
  6. Hi developers, I'm new on skinning. I'm designing my skin but I have a problem with login page I want to add a form which opens when user click on "SIGN-IN" with fade action on current page to login May help me please to create this form? I dont know anything about this and dont know where I can edit the login page template. So decided to create this flash form to open at the current page where user on it Regards, Amir hossein
  7. Hi, Sorry for late answering and many thanks to you quick response! No I want to add the type register which that flight was with it. for example I booked EP-MNN , I want to insert register of aircraft of that flight Regards, Amir
  8. Hi I want to add the Register of the flight in the pirep email. Also I want to send that email to other email except admin mail such as operation email What should I do? Thanks in advance
  9. Hi friend I get an error just after install the phpvms I get this : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/iatvair/public_html/crewcenter2/admin/modules/Dashboard/Dashboard.php on line 165 How can I fix it? please help me in this case Many thanks Regards,
  10. Hello I downloaded phpvms 5.5 and uploaded it on to my site , and continue process from install/install.php but when it completed there are some error in admin center print screen here : https://prnt.sc/m1fh3i What should I do? please help me Regards, Amir hossein
  11. when I active Icrew lite skin in phpvms v2 based on crewcenter.iatva.ir it shows this : https://prnt.sc/lxvmc3 also when i enter to admin center of phpvms v5.5 based on testcrew.iatva.ir , i get this error : https://prnt.sc/lxvqdq and when i active icrewlite on that,shows this : https://prnt.sc/lxvr9u
  12. Ok , I'll install them and take screen shot for u thank u so much
  13. yes I active default skin because others has problem I downloaded some skins like Ela skin, Icrew lite, BlueIce skin all them are nice if install without problem
  14. thanks for response I installed both version of phpvms . v5.5 and v2 and test some skins but when i activate them, all of site crashed and show some line and errors yes,it is ok on default skin phpvms v5.5 : testcrew.iatva.ir and phpvms v2 : crewcenter.iatva.ir I installed them in other subdomains to skinning them and test all,when they are ok without any problem move one of them to main subdomain
  15. no one?
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