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Everything posted by CN@ndo

  1. My Schedule here.
  2. Jeff, Thanks for the response I have changed and the problem continues. This is the error when importing: The company's code is correct. I exported the flights registered, when I import them the problem is the same. The Import of PHPvms work or just for SQL? Thank you for Help.
  3. Look at my routes, I changed according bout what you said, plus the error continues. I can not import.
  4. Hello friends, This is a system-wide flight, there is no option to cancel the flight. When the pilot completes a flight, a picture appears green, red images shows that the flight has yet to be finalized. The system displays the total hours at the end of the scale, I wonder if it is possible develop a similar? Horas de voo (HRV): 12:00 = Hours of flight Média por trecho: 1.2h = Average per trip Suas horas ao fim da escala: 12:00 = His hours at the end of the scale
  5. Hello friends, I have a problem to import my schedule. I am importing only 200 at a time. What the problem? because of the error?
  6. Thank you. hugs
  7. Thank you very much. Bye.
  8. friends, I wonder if you can, make a simple flight. example: A pilot with an initial rating, can operate for 6 airports to complete your scale flight. The pilot rating and an average amount of time is released routes to 12 airports to complete your scale flight. When you get to the last rating will be released all domestic and international flights, is it possible? the idea is good? tks.
  9. Hello friend how can I leave the manually classification of ranks? I look
  10. Hello friends, I created a skin, when I enter the site does not appear. offiline when I open the site, I can look. why? Can someone help me? my site offiline ( my computer ) send for server ( on-line ) MY SITE ON Help me please. tks
  11. Hello Servetas, Your welcome sir. good luck
  12. Hello friend, the new version already has this system, you can check your VA to be active through the script. local.config 39 After how long to mark a pilot inactive, in days 40 Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', false); 41 Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 90); Change to: # After how long to mark a pilot inactive, in days Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 30); PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 30 = the days for INACTIVE
  13. Hello Nabel. all pilots no have hub.
  14. Hello Nabel, I accessed the admin and shows that the pilots are active. I await other suggestions.
  15. where it? app.config.php local.config.php waiting for help.
  16. Hello friend, after the update some drivers somes of PILOT_LIST.TPL, he continues as the company's pilots, most disappear from the list. Example; There are 98 active pilots in the company, only 46 appear active in Pilot_list.tpl. The others disappeared from the list My link to view
  17. Hello friends, I am providing below a system of a va here in Brazil, so you can have higher ideals. System is very good, there is a scoring system for each flight, calling the pilot in the T / D. I think it would be a good idea for PHPVMS, and develop something not already done better. here is the thought and those who are developing with time. Rating médio = Average Rating in porcent. Admissão = register date T/D médio = average data system on all flights
  18. Hello Look what I posted on the page "frontpage_main.tpl" view below My Site to view: My link
  19. Perfect !!!!!! Very good!! Only one question which script to use to update this page every 30 seconds or 1 minute. Thank you!
  20. Thanks perfect scrip. Only one question which I change the script to run. example: Taxiing = white Taking off = green Descending = yellow fsacars.php would be in? function which could be pasted to change the colors on each drive.
  21. hello lorathon Thanks for your help, this script which is posted in php / modules? thank you!
  22. We are looking for exactly equal to your one, a script that reports data from the company's flights. In acarsmap.tpl shows the flight data, the same system more like Be like your showing only the data without a map, to post on the page to begin with, this is your perfect. Thank you.
  23. problem solved I just modified code and name of the company and the system back up and running, and the system returned to work. Thank you.
  24. Hello friends I need a simple system I believe that to develop or that any manager has ever done. would like an information system of the flights made in real time, without requiring the pilot to enter onto the map to view the data. So would putting this information system in the initial page of the site. better look to see what I'm looking for.
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