Short story; I'm modifying pilot edit page and including things I want. I'm not using custom fields module (just don't want to.) I've created the columns in the pilot table and have my form completed. However, I cannot for life of me figure out where everything is calling from. I looked at PilotData.class.php and I see the UpdateProfile function but it doesn't necessary tell me what specific fields it is looking for. Array is commented out (assuming code change.) Has anyone (outside of using custom fields) actually been able to get custom form and have it truly populate db? I'm little good at this, not an expert, but enough I can navigate to extent and do things.
public static function updateProfile($pilotid, $params) {
/*$params = array(
'pilotid' => '',
'code' => '',
'email' => '',
'location' => '',
'hub' => '',
'bgimage' => '',
'retired' => false,
'ivao' => '',
'vatsim' => '',
if(empty($pilotid)) {
return false;
if (!is_array($params)) {
return false;
/* Cleanup any specific parameters */
if (isset($params['location'])) {
$params['location'] = strtoupper($params['location']);
if (isset($params['pilotid'])) {
$sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pilots SET ";
$sql .= DB::build_update($params);
$sql .= " WHERE `pilotid`={$pilotid}";
$res = DB::query($sql);
if (DB::errno() != 0) {
return false;
# Auto groups?
$groups = Config::get('PILOT_STATUS_TYPES');
if(isset($params['retired'])) {
$info = $groups[$params['retired']];
# Automatically add into these groups
if(is_array($info['group_add']) && count($info['group_add']) > 0) {
foreach($info['group_add'] as $group) {
PilotGroups::addUsertoGroup($pilotid, $group);
if(is_array($info['group_remove']) && count($info['group_remove']) > 0) {
foreach($info['group_remove'] as $group) {
PilotGroups::removeUserFromGroup($pilotid, $group);
return true;