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  1. Hey! Yes you helped me! But unfortunately partly. There is only a loading screen. Nothing is loading. Infinite Loading Screen.
  2. Hi! I am having a problem w/ ElaSkin Fatal error: Call to undefined method StatsData::TotalPilotMiles() in /home/bosnaxxa/crew.bosnaxx-air.com/lib/skins/ela/profile_main.php on line 70
  3. I changed to PHP7.2 Here is the link to the skin: Thank you for your help!
  4. PHP 7.1, phpvms_5.5.2.72, hosting: vmshost.io The files end with .php
  5. Notice: The template file "/home/bosnaxxa/crew.bosnaxx-air.com//lib/skins/vCrewMini-phpvms-skin-master/header.php" doesn't exist in /home/bosnaxxa/crew.bosnaxx-air.com/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 Notice: The template file "/home/bosnaxxa/crew.bosnaxx-air.com//lib/skins/vCrewMini-phpvms-skin-master/footer.php" doesn't exist in /home/bosnaxxa/crew.bosnaxx-air.com/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 This happens when I try to install any theme, any theme! What did I wrong? Best regards and thank you in advance. A picture
  6. I'll just buy a KVM Server and I will do it like a man. xD So, solved, wrong PHP version.
  7. Well, it worked partly. The errors are gone but I can't login and/or register. I think the stylesheets aren't loading too.
  8. Hi! I'm having problems with the installation of phpVMS 5.5. As soon as I finish the installation there is this error message: Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/trogrlic.eu/crew.flyly.de/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_base.class.php on line 45 Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/trogrlic.eu/crew.flyly.de/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_base.class.php on line 46 Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/trogrlic.eu/crew.flyly.de/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_base.class.php on line 47 You can look it up yourself if you need to: https://crew.flyly.de On line 45-47 there is this: define('OBJECT','OBJECT', true); define('ARRAY_A','ARRAY_A', true); define('ARRAY_N','ARRAY_N', true); The database is correct, I don't know from where this error comes. I hope you can help me, thank you in advance, Andrej Trogrlic.
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