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Posts posted by DeletedUser

  1. I've done the leaflet upgrade just so you know. I was checking periodically, and even when the flight phase was in cruise, they were still at 0/0 with an altitude of 0, although their speed showed a correct value.

    As for the privacy, I have been making all of the pages log in only, but every so often one comes up which I've missed!!!

  2. Hi there,

    I am using Mark Swan's crew center and CCFTracker to track flights at my VA. However, the live ACARS map on the dashboard does not function as expected. I get all information listed for flights  except altitude (which reads 0) and all flights on the map show up at roughly 0,0. Screenshot attached. I have not made any modifications to the relevant files. https://ibb.co/ZfPhvdH

    Please note that I have not included the information bar in the photo to protect the privacy of my pilots.



  3. Pilots!

    After much planning and two weeks of hard work, I am proud to announce that Thomas Cook Virtual has begun operations!

    We currently fly to more than 80 destinations in 32 countries around the globe in North America, Africa, Asia and Europe.

    Our current fleet consists of the A330 and A321, and we are currently in the process of expanding our fleet to include the 737, 757 and 767.

    At the heart of our Airline is a sleek, modern, functional crew centre powered by Mark Swan’s CrewCenter. Book and plan flights easily with our SimBrief integration, and track and submit flights with our easy to use ACARS software.

    Come and join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/gKTBdmz

    Sign up now: http://tcxvirtual.com


    We look forward to seeing you!

  4. 1 hour ago, ProAvia said:

    Do yourself a favor and use simple names for the directories. Many hosts have a public_html directory - make a new directory under that named as your VA or an abbreviation for your VA (tcxvirtual, tcx, tcxv or similar) - and under that one a new directory named phpvms. Install to the phpvms directory. Don't worry about adding the crewcenter right away - first get a few airports, aircraft and schedules entered. Then try the CCFTracker. You can also try kACARS_Free to see if it works.

    Will do all that. Thank you so much!

  5. 2 minutes ago, ProAvia said:

    I haven't heard of them before. But looks like it should be okay. And I see they offer a 7 day money back guarantee. Also looks like monthly pricing - so most you are out is one months service. You will need to buy a domain name and register it - and that won't be part of the monthly fee.

    Already have a domain from google domains. Thanks for the assistance - I’ll migrate this evening or tomorrow and let you know how it goes

  6. 4 minutes ago, ProAvia said:

    Is this still the free hosting or paid?

    Under /home, is there a /public_html?

    This is free hosting... So far though I've had absolutely no issues with it - from installation up to now. its infinityfree.net. When I said Home I didn't mean a directory, it is just represented by a little Home icon in the file manager.

  7. 2 hours ago, ProAvia said:

    Try http://www.tcxvirtual.com/crew.tcxvirtual.com

    It gets way confusing when you name your directories/folders using your domain and/or subdomain names

    What is directly under the public_html - both /tcxvirtual.com and /crew.tcxvirtual.com folders?

    In what folder is your skin installed? Actually, list the full path to your skin folder.....

    OK, so. My hosting only allows me to go as far back as "home". That is where I have my .htaccess file. I have two folders in there - tcxvirtual.com which contains my front-end site, and crew.tcxvirtual.com. My PHPVMS install is directly under /crew.tcxvirtual.com - so in there is /admin, /core,  /lib and the relevant files. My skins are installed in crew.tcxvirtual.com/lib/skins/ [iCrew LITE etc]

  8. 1 hour ago, Heritage1 said:

    Several things may be going on here, First CCFTracker example should look like this for a "URL" you MUST point the url with an ending backslash, 


    The backslash is vital, if your using a sub-directory, then just add the additional sub-directory/folder to the end of it. You also MUST have the correct Module versions for both CCFTracker and cACARS that matches the Client Software , this is a must on both ends, or you will get that error message. cACARS has 2 different versions, and so does CCFTracker. Myself  I have stuck with the older versions of both. cACARS can also run multiple instances of the Client software by just creating a new folder, and then in the new folder , point the file with the extension "XML" to the password and the url. I have 7 cACARS systems running for different sites at once. It almost sounds like that you are running in the Modules a different version then what the Client is, hope this helps.


    I will have a look at versions, but as far as I'm aware there were only two files available on the crazycreatives website: the module and the software. I don't believe it is possible to download different versions.

  9. 35 minutes ago, ProAvia said:

    Your domain name (tcxvirtual.com) is pointed to a directory/folder. What directory/folder is that? For example... /tcxvirtual

    And where is phpVMS installed in relation to that? For example ... /tcxvirtual/phpvms - or maybe you installed phpVMS diredtly into that directory/folder... for example /tcxvirtual/<all phpVMS files here>

    Domain name is tcxvirtual.com. PHPVMS is installed on the subdomain crew.tcxvirtual.com. In my directory, I have a folder called tcxvirtual.com and crew.tcxvirtual.com. PHPVMS is installed directly into crew.tcxvirtual.com.

  10. 1 hour ago, gio1961 said:

    From the software author's forum:
    "" This message is triggered only when a connection to the VA site could not be established. Check again if the URL is correct, there are no white spaces before or after the URL and the URL includes http: // like "http://www.myva.com"

    Furthermore, if different language versions are available on your site, for example let's say that phpvms is on "http://www.myva.com/en", you must enter it ""



    I tried a little while ago the software installation and it works perfectly: I created a folder on the "c" disk of the computer and I installed them the program. Before starting the program, I right-clicked on the executable file and set it to "run as administrator".
    Started the program, logged in, everything ok

    Checked, double-checked and triple checked the URL. No language options on my site.

  11. 7 minutes ago, ProAvia said:

    Well, you were able to upload the files to the free host, so you should be able to download them too. But first you need to install Wamp or Xxamp and get PHP, MySQL and Apache install to one or the other. Then do a fresh install of phpVMS 5.5.2 to whichever local server program (Wamp or Xxamp) and be sure it is functioning properly. Then you can install the module, template and skin files from your present online install.

    But I am of the mind that you start totally fresh as you have zero idea of what else is compromised with the free host install.

    And don't forget that you should have a front end that visitors can access to see what you have to offer. This would be in addition to the crewcenter type page you presently display on your free hosting site. Chances of others joining a VA when all they can see is a sign on page are very slim.

    Alright, I think that I will start afresh. Many thanks.

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