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Posts posted by Hari

  1. Hello there sir. Everything you have stated above is correct. 
    And I have made NO edits to the skin files. I have re-uploaded the files multiple times to ensure that it was not because of improper uploading. The crew center skin was shared to me via a friend. He was the one who installed the crew center skin and provided it to me. I am pretty sure that it is not something he had done wrong in the installation of the crew center because many other people also used the crew center skin provided by him and they have no problems with it.
    BTW the person who I am talking about is @Velocity23 . He had provided me with the crew center skin.

  2. I have changed the skin to default and it is now all the schedules are appearing. However, I do not want my crew center in crystal skin. My crew center version is simpilot and my crew center is in the skin named crew center. When I switched back to the crew center skin, the schedules, again, are not visible. How can I see the schedules in the crew center skin??
    Thanks for the help though!

  3. Hello there! I have a crew center and I wanted to import routes to it. I downloaded the .csv file which was available in the import schedules tab of the control panel. I entered all the details in the .csv excel document. I chose that file and uploaded it. It then said all the schedules were imported. I was also able to view these schedules in the flight scheduled& routes tab of the admin panel. However, when I went to the actual crew center and viewed the schedules, none of them were there. Is this because I might have entered something wrong in the .csv database or is this a bug? Please help.

    Thank you so much!!

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