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Everything posted by Salinas

  1. http://crew.caribbeanwings.org
  2. is .org, bt isn't the main page, is a subdomain, crew.caribbeanwings.org
  3. Hey!, i'm trying the simbrief module, bt isn't working for me, i've this console trouble https://prnt.sc/tv6rbr, I looked everything and nothing works... My API key is fine.
  4. Hi!, i just deleted my DB, and restored the information about the airports and fleet, and now it works fine, thank you very much!!! Kind Regards. Salinas.
  5. I deleted the airports at the database and i tried adding the airline hub, it says, problem adding airport, (console error: https://prnt.sc/t994q7)
  6. No, i didn't found it
  7. I just got this "problem" at the console (https://prnt.sc/t97jux), "problem" because i don't use google api
  8. And, no problems adding schedules
  9. I added the airports with https://github.com/eliezerazevedo/Airports-PHPVMS, how can i turn it on?
  10. I don't get any error at the error_log, and on my console doesn't appears anything, Hostinger
  11. Same error 😕
  12. Hi!, i'm working on the VA system for my VA, and when i add aircrafts it gives me the error "There was an error adding the aircraft" (same thing editing the aircraft) but this is my form https://prnt.sc/t7brbt (it appears in blue because the other times was the same problem, so it's easier to me, i added it from de database directly but i can't still fly with the aircrafts, when i book my pirep i can't select the plate of the aircraft, i tried to add the aircrafts on a .csv, but it doesn't work (https://prnt.sc/t7bsck),it returns this text, " The import process is complete, added 0 aircraft, updated 0, for a total of 0! ". I searched on the forum but i didn't found the topic, i've looked about the install/dbcheck.php, so here is the image, https://prnt.sc/t7btgl. Thank you for everything, Kind Regards.
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