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phpVMS Resources
Everything posted by cloudsurferuk
Just realised in an update out VA Central API key went AWOL. Currently I can see no login page or contact email on the vacentral website to enable me to get our API key so i'm a bit lost on how to recover it. We have a lot of data waiting to export.
As in the OP, it is php 5.3. The problem was with the extensions.
This has been resolved by enabling the php Extensions. Unsure of the exact ones causing the problem but have rebuilt apache using the following php extensions enabled (just in case someone else gets this problem) bcmath dom fileinfo imap intl json mbstring - needed this for kacars to connect mcrypt phar posix soap xmlreader xmlrpc xmlwriter zend_guard_loader zip. This can be marked as solved if someone at admin level sees it.
Just been comparing the php extensions on a working version on a shared server to the apache php build on the dedicated and noticed some extensions wernt active. Any chance you can give me a list of php extensions that are required for phpVMS?
Hi Guys, Just moved to a new server and having an odd issue with registration. When a user registers it goes to a blank screen despite the entry being made in the DB and new pilot notification in the admin panel. Ive built Apache using php 5.3 and check install & checkdb shows no errors on phpvms. Neither does it send an email for pireps or applications but sending a mass email through the admin panel works. (Server is CENTOS 6.6 with cPanel) Nothing is logged in the error log either. debug is true. Has anyone come across something similair or any clues where I should be looking? (i've reverted back to stock tpl's and still same problem) Thanks in advance Nick.
I know this is a really old topic but just wanted to bump onto the end. Ive just finished making a blog module with pagination etc for Flight Sim UK and just wondered if its anything others would be interested in?
On our Live ACARS map if i add the .aircraft% variable instead of showing the aicraft REG it shows the aircraft's Database ID. Any ideas?
The new owner usually retains rights to the name. I believe caledonian names are owned by BA.
The new owner usually retains rights to the name. I believe caledonian names are owned by BA.
also having this problem, and also cant login to vacentral (forum ok)
that's great news, I did say at the beginning of this that it applies to mainly British operations, European airlines do tend to be a bit more lenient, it certainly sounds like you have a great relationship with TNT which is fantastic, if only more airlines were like that. Perhaps this is also because of it being a cargo airline and the concerns of passengers being mislead with a VA's website is negated? I think certain replies have indicated people feel I am moaning or targeting other VA's for my own end's which is simply not true, I wrote this post for information and to offer some advice to someone thinking of starting up, after all, I was in this position myself about 10 years ago, just when VA's were becoming mainstream and learnt alot from it, and from the legal case itself. (for those interested, the Airline in question actually paid me to shut down in the end but I have no doubt, if the case had gone to court, I would have lost) It is notable for discussion however, just stop taking it personally people!
Another aspect that Mark mentions is aircraft painting, afterall, in Just Flight's Traffic all the AA aircraft had to be liveried MERICAN for exactly that reason. It is an absolute minefield and their is a fine line between fair use and copyright breach. But I still maintain the fact that if you set up virtualBMI.com for example and use branding without a legal agreement (not just an email saying we dont mind) then you will get shut down. Perhaps airlines need to start looking upon VA's as "fan clubs" per se and we may get some more approval, provided of course its a valid and well executed operation as stuart says.
That's my point exactly, and why I said airlines just don't understand Virtual Airlines which is why there is a pretty much blanket no.
Fair use and Clear definition. Simple as that.
You are right to disagree, but I have seen no other airline apart from BA with a tested legal agreement in place. Afterall, what VA can afford to hire the relevant solicitors to do this. It might be one thing having an email saying "we dont mind" but that is not a legal agreement in any form and the airline can just say sorry, please shut. The truth is, most airlines just don't get Virtual Airlines and many of the smaller ones don't object, initially, till it starts affecting their web traffic. The proof is on the internet, time and time and time again we see VA's starting up, BMI, Thomson, Thomas Cook, Easyjet etc etc and time and time and time again we see BMI, Thomson, Thomas Cook, Easyjet etc etc closed by their real counterparts. If anyone wants to start up a VA based on one real airline and copying their trademarks etc fine. Just don't moan about it when you you get shut down. Copyright and Trademark are the main issues and companies spend hundreds of thousands of pounds protecting that which is why they shut down Bob and his £20 domain which bears its name or logo's. I say again, having an email saying we don't mind does NOT constitute a legal agreement and in reality, is worthless.
You know I should do the lottery numbers! Without naming names, once again a VA started copying a real world airline (despite claiming they had an agreement) and yet seem baffled that the real airline is shutting them down. It is SIMPLE BRAND PROTECTION. With the exception of BA Virtual *which took 5 years of negotiation* no British virtual airline has ever been approved or allowed by its real world counterpart, why would they? it has no business use to them, could confuse customers and at worst, hurt sales. I say again, going to start a single airline VA based on a real world Airline? Simply take your money out to the garden and set fire to it as you will just lose it all when you get shut down.
tried that several times. re-uploaded the ezdb classes from the install & upgrade packages 3 times.
Right, having prob installing VMS onto new server and 1and1. All details entered are correct but I get this error when choosing next step after DB details/location fields.... Be grateful for any suggestions. "Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Access denied for user 'db354046472'@'' (using password: YES) (1045)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000><b></b></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in /homepages/41/************/htdocs/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99" Check Install Results are: Install Check phpVMS Build Number: 934 Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.2.17.x ASP Tags [OK] ASP-style tags are disabled Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [Checksum failed] /core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date -- Checked 183 files, found 1 errors
brilliant, thanks.
ah right ok, and it will automatically find the .tpl files in the skins folder instead of looking in core/templates for them? or do you have to tell it to look in the skins folder?
not copied to skins folder as only layout.tpl and styles.css in there, you saying I should copy email_registrationaccepted.tpl to the skins folder after modifying?
Ok, I might be missing something obvious here, I though email_registrationaccepted.tpl controls the text of the confirmation email but after changing it, it still sending out the basic phpVMS confirmation. Is this not the file that controls the email text? and if not, which one is? Cheers
I think its going to be very much horses for courses on this one. There doesnt seem to be a one site fits all.
works in north america for me. Just brought up KJFK with it. Admittedly, We only fly to the Majors in North america so havent tested with the more obscure non international airports.
A great site for worldwide notams & weather at specific airports is notams.com I have found this to be the most reliable and widest coverage of the offerings. Especially if your not US based. It can be integrated using the following code in schedule_breifing.tpl <td width="50%" ><?php echo "{$schedule->depname} ($schedule->depicao)"; ?><br /> <a href="http://<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>.notams.com/Weather" target="_blank">Click here to check the Notam's & Aiport Info</a></td> <td width="50%" ><?php echo "{$schedule->arrname} ($schedule->arricao)"; ?><br /> <a href="http://<?php echo $schedule->arricao?>.notams.com/Weather" target="_blank">Click here to check the Notam's & Airport Info</a></td>