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  1. Found 1 other files but it was unrelated to filing... does anyone have any idea on where to look? Trying to find it is like a needle in a haystack. Thanks.
  2. I found the line in; public static function addBid($pilotid, $routeid) { $pilotid = DB::escape($pilotid); $routeid = DB::escape($routeid); if (DB::get_row('SELECT bidid FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'bids WHERE pilotid=' . $pilotid . ' AND routeid=' . $routeid)) { return false; } $pilotid = DB::escape($pilotid); $routeid = DB::escape($routeid); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'bids (pilotid, routeid, dateadded) VALUES (' . $pilotid . ', ' . $routeid . ', NOW())'; DB::query($sql); self::setBidOnSchedule($routeid, DB::$insert_id); if (DB::errno() != 0) return false; return true; } which was located in SchedulesData.class.php Previously it was 'INSERT INTO ' (space after O intended) Is that it, or am I just reading something else? Otherwise, it made no difference.
  3. Sorry, don't mean to be annoying but I'm not quite sure where the INSERT comes from?
  4. That's strange; I get the PIREP sent message in the website admin email "A PIREP has been submitted by x" and it says to approve it at a certain link. But when you go to the pending PIREPs page in the admin panel, there are no reports showing..,
  5. index-0.js:3 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getContext' of null at index-0.js:3 (anonymous) @ index-0.js:3 phpvms.js:27 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).ajaxForm is not a function at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (phpvms.js:27) at j (jquery.min.js:2) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:2) at Function.ready (jquery.min.js:2) at HTMLDocument.I (jquery.min.js:2) And I'll contact the host about that - thanks
  6. Hello. I got the following error when filing a PIREP manually: Error! There was an error adding your PIREP : Schedule does not exist. Please update this manually. Before, I filed a PIREP via smartCARS, which said that the PIREP had filed, so when I went to the admin page to check the list of PIREPs, there was none added. So I tried the manual way and received the aforementioned error. Currently using phpvms version simpilot/php7.2 Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Conor.
  7. Hello. I received the following error when clicking the generate OFP button: Refused to execute script from 'http://va-conzieairlines.com/vms/index.php/schedules/brief/add%20you%20full%20website%20address%20here/core/modules/SimBrief/simbrief.apiv1.php?api_req=EGCCEIDWA20N1604150080va-conzieairlines.com/vms/index.php/SimBrief&p=1108346' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks Conor
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