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jftejeiro last won the day on April 27 2021

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  1. When I am logged in, if I press the pilots menu, it shows the information of all the pilots and the IMAGE of the range, the load of this route: /public/assets/img/ranks/4.png If I select any pilot, it shows me the information, but it does not load the image of the Range. You want to load the image from this path: /profile/public/assets/img/ranks/6.png How to do so that the image is always loaded from: /public/assets/img/ranks/4.png
  2. I have created some Tours, and I don't know how to give a medal to a pilot who finished all the routes of the tour. The medal can be given manually
  3. With the latest update, phpvms7-dev210511, the web page does not start. The browser is blank error 500. I copy and paste the previous version and overwrite the files. I had to go back to the previous version, with a backup that I have.
  4. jftejeiro

    CSV Flights

    Indeed, I use LibreOffice Calc and I have no problems either. With excell if I had problems
  5. jftejeiro

    CSV Flights

    Another option would be to download the CSV from phpmyadmin, edit it, upload the new routes and re-import it from phpmyadmin. But what happens is very rare. I download and upload the CSVs from the phpvms7 administration panel and I have no problems
  6. jftejeiro

    CSV Flights

    You could try to export the file from phpmyadmin on your server
  7. Is there a possibility that the ACARS reproduces sounds during the flight? Just as messages are output, audios can be played, saved in a folder As there is in the Flight Rules administration panel, put a rules to play audios and their names 80 knots 10,000 feet captain 18,000 feet captain Gear up Gear down Landing Lights On Landing Lights Off etc.....
  8. SOLVED, Do some research and find the solution. I do not know anything about this, but investigating a little, it is possible. <a class="nav-link m-1 p-0 float-left" href="{{ route('frontend.flights.bids') }}"> <i class="fas fa-file-upload" title="@lang('flights.mybid')"></i> </a> What I don't know is where I get the names of the icons
  9. HELLO, can you tell me how I have to do to add an icon that accesses My Bids, under the photo
  10. How can I change the logos for images in PNG. logo.svg - logo_blue_bg.svg etc ..
  11. In administration, you must have the option marked: BIDS Allow multiple bids Whether or not someone can bid on multiple flights. I understand that this option was to be able to reserve a multiple bids pilot. But this option makes multiple riders book one bids.
  12. I have a problem. When two pilots want to fly the same flight, the system only allows the first pilot to book, the second cannot. In Setting that option is disabled, and you should not have problems
  13. Many thanks to everyone and Nabeel Shahzad The problem was solved. They have helped me on vmshost Turns out there was an error in the env.php config file It was resolved as follows: Change this line: SITE_URL = '' To be APP_URL = 'YOUR URL' And obviously put your url there. There was a bug in one of the development versions where that was wrong
  14. Los técnicos de hosting me preguntan: 1.- Si la página realiza alguna conexión externa a través de API.? 2.- En caso afirmativo, qué URL o IP es, para comprobar si existe algún bloqueo. Los técnicos me dicen: En realidad, el desarrollador debería tener algo más específico, si es algo relacionado con el hosting, tenemos el motivo exacto y qué configuración necesitamos revisar para reportarlo a los administradores del sistema. Dado que el dominio está funcionando y el hosting también. Y me envían estas capturas de pantalla Submit a ticket to vmsHost
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