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Thanks Nabeel, I created a ticket. Appreciate your assistance
I just made my phpVMS site live for my VA, and in so doing I changed the domain name to our normal website domain from the testing domain that it was using. How can I change the "valid domains" to the right one in the vmsHosts website? FWIW I was testing the site using the url www.shootingstarfan.com, and in making it live I changed the domain and url to www.flycoa.com, and this is what I need to change the "valid domains" to on the vmsHosts site. Thanks
As you were probably typing that I did a search for the old domain name inside all the website's files, and found it a LOT in the file \phpvms\bootstrap\cache\config.php I changed all of them and it appears to be working now, at least I can log in and all the data seems to be there. Yes, it is the same hosting company, and both sited were inside my account there. There were a bunch of other files that had the shootingstarfan domain name in them, but they were all long file names that made no sense, such as \phpvms\storage\framework\sessions\BaxV6zu49204SbJNn91VxnIsc9ZNnhjZhNV0jVzI Hopefully the config.php file got it working And someday I hope to be smart enough to edit the blade files, but I'm not there yet. Thanks a TON!!!!
Thanks Hero. I guess for now I will just leave it at transferred hours as is. That was the only complaint that I had from the couple of pilots that I had testing things. On a different topic. I had phpvms running on another website to get it all set up. Today I tried to make it live by changing the domain names around. It was originally running on a site called www.shootingstarfan.com, and I changed it's domain to our live site, which is www.flycoa.com. I changed the domain name in env.php, which was the only place where I could find a reference to the website domain. But when I try to go to it I get a server error. I looked for a log from today, and there isn't one. Is there someplace else I have to change the domain names, or am I going to have to re-install and then import the databases? Thanks.
I am getting ready to take my phpVMS website live to replace my older VAM powered one. Question is, is there a way for me to enter my pilots transferred hours so they show as flight time and not transferred hours? Like manually editing the total in the database? Or possibly filing a manual PIREP with all the transferred hours? I'm just looking for a way for them to show up in a pilots hours, and not have it be listed under transferred hours. Thanks in advance, john croft
OK, thanks so much. Was just trying to make it easier for the pilots so they wouldn't have so much to sort through
Thanks all, I got that part sorted out. Now here's a question semi related. The downloadable ACARS.zip file includes all the server side stuff, and I don't really want the file that I distribute to our pilots to include all that. Is there a list of files that must be included for the pilots to use the ACARS as the client for them so I could re-zip it and distribute it without all the server side stuff in it? john croft
I feel kind of stupid, but I can't get the acars.exe program to run. I have followed the client install, installed and run makerunways, and I already have the paid version of FSUIPC. I unzipped the ACARS.zip file to a folder of my choice, and when I try to run it I get a pop up box withe the PHPVMS logo for about 3 or 4 seconds, then it closes and nothing more happens. I never get the entry screen where you put in your API and url, and select a simulator. I attempted to follow the docs exactly, as well as the README.txt file in the ACARS.zip file. Running Win10, with ver 4.8 of .NET framework. I know I must be doing something wrong, but I sure can't figure out what it is. Thanks, john croft
Thanks so much Hero. I was able to restore just that file from a backup and got it sorted.
I was attempting to edit my env.php file to set up my mail hosts and I screwed up the file. And like an IDIOT i didn't make a backup of it before I edited it. Yes indeed, I am kicking myself. Anyway, how can I get it back? If I erase it will it be rebuilt, or will I have to do a re-install? Thanks john croft
Honestly the main reason that I was looking at the databases in the first place was to get the format of the .csv file that the importer would expect. I know that the export of my VAM files is in the wrong order, and has a lot of fields that aren't going to be in the phpvms database. So my original plan was to add a couple of flights, airports, planes, etc manually, then export the .csv files to see what the expected order of the data would be so I could reformat my existing data. I hope that makes sense. As far as adding the airports directly to the database, I don't remember what error I was encountering when I tried to import, but I got frustrated and just put them directly into the database. But to what you said in your last post, if the airport database in empty and I add a flight, say from KJFK to EGLL, you are saying that it would automatically add those airports to the airport database? Thanks for all your assistance. I really don't want my VA to end because I can't get this configured john croft
Thanks for the reply! I know I'm new to phpvms, and I am trying really hard to not ask really stupid questions. That said, when I go to the download section it says the latest ver 7 dev file was last updated on January 27th. Is that the file I need to download, and if so is there a way to just update the install or do I need to start over? I have been searching for a guide to update and I have not yet found one. Believe it or not I have been googling the snot out of all this and have had very little success. If I need to start over it's not a big deal at this point because I'm just trying to get everything set up. And that file, as well as the one I downloaded, said it was the latest dev version and is for testing only. Is there a stable version out there that I could run for a period of time without having up update? And I attempted to use the built in importer to import my airports and ran into a problem, so I just reformatted my current data and imported them directly into the database. I am trying to move over from Virtual Airline Manager because it won't work on any version of php newer than 7.0, and my host is going to so letting me use that version soon. And thanks for the env.php, in the docs I read it said the debug was found in config.php, and I couldn'lt find that file. I have already edited the env.php file.
OK, first thing is I can't seem to access the demo site to try to reproduce the issue there. My site runs php ver 7.3.28. Not sure what version of mySQL, and not sure how to find out. I use a paid hosting service (Siteground). My phpvms version is 7.0.0-dev+210521.d3ec0f. When I attempt to add a flight I get 2 part error. The first states "APP_DEBUG is set to true while APP_ENV is not local". This is in red. I searched how to turn off the DEBUG, and all I could find was how to turn it on by editing config.php under the app directory. I do not have that file under the app directory. Where can I find that file if it is indeed what I need to edit to get rid of this error. The second part of the error states " ErrorException Trying to get property 'id' of non-object (View: /home/customer/www/shootingstarfan.com/phpvms/resources/views/admin/flights/scripts.blade.php)" I don't have any idea where to even start on this one. There is a lot of stuff below this error that I don't understand. I am trying to add one or two flights so I can look at the database and get the format so I can reformat my existing data and then upload it to the database directly. If you need any more information please let me know. Thanks in advance. john croft
Does anyone know of a link to the current, v7 .csv structures? Or does anyone know what they are? I am trying to migrate to phpvms from VAM and need to import all the airport data and all my routes and I can't find the expected structure that it is looking for anywhere. Ideally I would like to find them for adding pilots and planes as well, but I REALLY need to find out for the airports and routes, as my VAM site is going to be useless probably within a couple of weeks.. Thanks in advance. john croft