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  1. Whenever I try to add an aircraft: I had this problem before and I fixed by replacing a user file, anyone knows how to solve it? Everything else works perfectly, I tried some post from the forum but no one solved it I think the solution could be, someone with this same settings could attach /core/common/ OperationsData.class.php php Version: 7.2 sql Version: 5.7 skin: StislaSkin 2020 phpVMS version: phpVMS (ProAvia) Note: This is not working with default skin
  2. Hello: phpVMS: Version 2.1.938 php version: 7.4.20 MySQL version: 5.7 Does not matter the skin, it happens with everyone Free hosted at awardspace With default skin it looks like this:
  3. When I install a skin this happens It happens with everyone! https://ibb.co/XpYNCPv
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