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Everything posted by FDC1601

  1. I tried to put this ID on the Domain freightdogcargo.org but it wouldn't let me. Now I can't even get on vmshost.io for support ticket help. Can support put this ID to replace the current one? If done, this content can be deleted. Thanks, Tim Farrell, FDC1601 freightdogcargo.org
  2. I was actually able to fix my KAFW airport issue in FSX. Re-installed the latest version of MakeRwys.exe and made it run as administrator. KAFW is now found is scenery database. 😀
  3. No problem at any US (including Puerto Rico) or Canada airports, but when I ended a flight at TNCM (Princess Juliana) is got a dashboard metar error (dashboard nothing but errors). I believe it was about weather metar variances. US is A#### ex: A2992. At the time at TNCM is was Q1012. When flew back to Puerto Rico, dashboard was perfect again. I looked at all the error possibilities in all my files while at TNCM but they all were matching the error corrections. I don't have the version of the error to print right now but can try it again. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks, Tim
  4. Thanks Doug!
  5. Did the scan on Acars and Makerunways and did not sort the problem. My simulator is FSX. Where is the data file to manually enter the airport? Thanks,
  6. Hi gents, Since using vmsACARS for phpvms7, all first 20 flights have been doing very good except for the last two. My last two have flights would not load the vmsACARS do to "not found in scenery database". Second to last flight from KONT to KAFW, KAFW would not be found. On the last flight KAFW to KSHV, both would not be found. Both are in my Airports & Flights in admin. Synced updated airports in vmsACARS but still had the issue. My Last flight: 11-06 10:26:29|INFO; MessageBox, message=Please correct the errors: ICAO "KAFW" not found in scenery database ICAO "KSHV" not found in scenery database 11-06 10:27:02|INFO; Flight selected: FD1820 11-06 10:27:02|INFO; Loading flight, ID=96l10gvV69pNYem4 Is there a way to fix? Thanks,
  7. Sorry, but I don't understand the "Call the widgets anywhere you want like you call/load others" on the README. I installed Disposible Tools & Widgets but cannot figure out how to put any of the widgets into a page on my phpvms7 website. Disposible Tools & Widgets seems to be installed as on the "Online Readme" Can I get an example of how to put TopPilots widget on a page? Thanks, Tim F., FDC1601
  8. Nabeel, Thanks for fixing it via the support ticket. You 'da man! Tim
  9. Greetings, So far everything has been made useful on PHPVMS7 except for a couple of vmsAcars errors. vmsAcars url ID is freightdogcargo.org and the API key is the same as the website API on the acars.exe. The vmsAcars API from the email is on the vmsAcars/admin. The manual pireps work just fine. I've looked at the docs several times and can't figure out the cause on these two these two issues. If even loaded FSX.pln flight plans on acars.exe are the same issues happening. Most all my flight planes are FSX.rte (for qualitywings 757) and FSX.pln are on my ... /document/flight simulator x files. I reinstalled FSIUPD and installed MakeRwys. MakeRwys works since all the files are in the flight simulator x folder (not the document folder). All the airports are in the airports/admin on 1513 flight number (KRFD & KCVG). It's not just flight 1513. Happens on all. Solutions? I have a couple of other issues BOT and "not secure" on website. I can deal with that later unless there is a solution for those as well. SSH for BOT?
  10. Thanks for the recommended repair options. I pretty much tried to fix the problem but it was a Comcast moden issue. Able know to connect now!
  11. Sorry. I’m pretty sure it’s a Comcast internet issue. Getting with Comcast to allow https:vmshost.io/ to work. thanks
  12. Cannot get into https://vmshost.io/ err connecting on iPhone and PC
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