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  1. Hi, We just installed phpVMS7 with the Disposable Basic and Special addons. Our server has mySQL database and is on php 8.1.29. We would like to completely disable all Finance related content. We could disable some finance related modules in Disposable Special, but not all. Would appreciate your help (in non-programming savvy language 🙂 )
  2. Thanks for your reply. Our CMS suffered a fatal crash when we tried to update and could not be restored. Hence our decision to move to phpVMS. We have an open mind as to the phpVMS version and ACARS system. Whichever works best and can be maintained by non-IT pro's. We would like to have both manual filing and ACARS and prefer as little red tape as possible: no fixed routes or aircraft, no financials, etc.
  3. Hi all, Platinum Airways is looking for a developer to install a clean version of phpVMS and ACARS, for a fee. Please contact me via DM or via a reply. Thanks, Stijn
  4. Hi all, We are a VA with about 150 members. We are considering moving to phpVMS. We are an offline VA, so the question is whether phpVMS can also be used without an ACARS system? Thanks, Stijn
  5. Hello, We are an offline VA with some 200 active members. We are looking for a (paid) developer who can take our web environment from Joomla 3 to phpVMS. Interested? Please reply or contact me via DM. Thanks, Stijn
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