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  1. oh wow, thanks, it's already solved, thanks for the information
  2. Hello, I have noticed that some pilots, for some reason, do not finish their flights, perhaps the simulator closed unexpectedly or the plane crashed, etc. When this happens, they close the simulator first and then the vmsACARS, and the plane stays on the map until they fly again The question is: Is it possible to remove those planes from the map without waiting for them to fly again?
  3. No, you didn't understand Some pilots were wrong in the information issued, they said that the pause option worked in vmsACARS, but they were referring to SmartACARS that this option does work All the time, I have referred to vmsACARS which is where the option does not work
  4. I apologize for the incorrect information that I gave, when I said that several pilots could connect and others could not. When some drivers said they could use the pause option, they were referring to smartCARS. But none of us pilots can use the pause option. I apologize for the incorrect information issued by me, in any case, I let everyone know that we will have to wait for an update to solve this situation. Thank you for your time in responding to me and clarifying why it doesn't work.
  5. So it is something that has nothing to do with versions but rather waiting, but it catches my attention that some pilots, this function is working for them.
  6. I am using version: and the pause option does not work for me
  7. How can I know if it is the beta or not?
  8. When phpvms7 was installed on my server from there I downloaded the vmsacars, I don't know if it is the beta or not, but the other pilots downloaded from there too and some of them have no problems
  9. Some airline pilots have the option of pausing the plane before descent. But other pilots, including me, have this problem. All pilots use Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 How can it be solved?
  10. Where can I make the donation to obtain it?
  11. hello, my brother thank you With that explanation, the user solved the problem thank you so much.
  12. Hello, One of the VA users cannot connect using vmsACARS, because it says the following error: "LVar Module Missing, please download it from FSUIPC.com" The user has the latest version FSUIPC v7.4.13 for MSFS I also have that same version installed on my PC and I have no problem but this user does, any idea how to solve it so he can connect?
  13. Yes, I have all this correctly, I am currently connected to vatsim and nothing happens I sent it to you privately
  14. yes, I have created it I have used the same data and it does not appear in the VA, but neither do the other pilots.
  15. Hello, can someone tell me how the correct configuration is so that pilot flights can appear in the VA from IVAO/VATSIM? I think I have everything configured correctly, in Disposable Basic I have the following configuration Also, in the following file, I have the following configuration in the widget it is like this @widget('DBasic::WhazzUp', ['network' => 'IVAO', 'field_name' => 'IVAO ID', 'refresh' => 300]) But still, he continues without working I think the same callsign that I am using in IVAO/VATSIM, I should also use it in the VA, but the pilots do not appear Can someone help me what else I need to do please?
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