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Everything posted by Alexan

  1. Will the current intro and theme that the VA is using continue when the upgrade is done? Will the added airports and added airlines be intact? Will only the modules be lost?
  2. wow, if it is that way, all the money invested to customize the VA is lost every time a new version of phpVMS is released
  3. I understand that the modules in v5 will not work in v7, but the question is this: ¿Is it possible to modify all the modules to v7?
  4. hi I understand and I know that everything you say, you are right. For a long time I have wanted to upgrade to phpVMS 7 But I want to keep the same design of the VA Therefore, I asked you, if you can upgrade my VA so that all the modules it currently has can be maintained? The reason is that the modules are not only installed, they are also customized to the VA
  5. My brother Everything you explained to me helped me a lot, I was able to get the page working, I just had to change the PHP version to 5.6 About switching to phpVMS 7 version I would like to do it, but I have many customized modules, which would have to be adjusted so that they work in the new version Can you upgrade to phpVMS 7 and adjust all the modules and the entire page? I will pay for the service
  6. 1- Sorry for posting in the wrong place. 2- PHP Version 7.4 -- MariaDB 10.6 -- phpVMS I'm not really sure, but I think it was 5.6 3- Existing install 4- The problem happened for the following reason: I could not connect to the host files via FTP on another host that I have with the same company When the representative enabled my FTP account, I mistakenly thought that I had connected to the FTP account of another account that is not the VA, and I deleted the following files: 1 assets 2 airports 3 admin 4 .well-known - I don't know if this file belongs to the VA but it was one of the deleted ones When I realized that I had deleted these files by mistake of the VA, I told a representative of my host to do a restore, but he couldn't get the page to work 5- No, I did not make any changes in app.config.php, only what was explained in answer 4
  7. Hello, the website is out of service, it has several errors
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