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Everything posted by dale0404

  1. Works brilliantly, ty.
  2. Brilliant mate ty, I just managed to put a link on there myself but it opens into a new window. Also the link is not in the Main menu section so I will be doing as you have put. Thanks again. Dale.
  3. True mate but what I would like is a link in my main menu..
  4. Jeff, I get the error: An Error Was Encountered The module "INDEX" doesn't exist! Its probably something simple but I dont know how to fix it! Cheers Dale
  5. Peeps, How do I create a link on the frontpage to the downloads section? I understand what the link is I just need a way of putting it on the frontpage. I know how to create links using the add new page feature but I dont exactly want that if you get what I mean.
  6. Bugger! If I had seen this earlier I would have ordered from you mate! At the moment it is costing me $5 ish for a 10 slot TS3 server! I will definately look you up at the end of the billing period (1 month).
  7. More info at wikipedia: History of Microsoft Flight Simulator
  8. Its working fine mate, in either template, I must have done something wrong and fixed it. Thanks for the help mate, really is appreciated.
  9. I want to set EGLL (Heathrow) as my hub. When I add the airport I do tick the Hub box but when I goto Pilots page this is what it says: Heathrow There are no pilots! No Hub Any help please?
  10. Thank you so much for the answers gentlemen, it really is appreciated. my website is Robin Hood Airlines
  11. Brilliant mate, ty. The version of kACARS is and the site was only set up yesterday so I would imagine the latest version of phpvms.
  12. Hiya, Before I carry let me apologise, I really do not know how to do any coding stuff etc for my VA. I am quite happy doing the admin side of things like adding flightplans, aircraft and all the other stuff that needs doing but actually coding stuff into the website is not my cup of tea! So, I will probably be asking lots of questions in this thread until I am happy with my site, apologies again! I do search for things to try and find answers but sometimes the answers are not just available to what you actually require! so, here goes! Could someone please tell me how to add a signature to my forum posts? Obviouslyt I want the signature to relfect my VA. What code do I use and where do I get it from? I am using kACARS and I am not sure if it is setup up correctly. When I am flying I do not see myself on the live map. I have uploaded an image to my FTP area and I am trying to link to it. I copy the link address but it comes up with: ftp...... What is the proper link I should use? I also want to add lots of different rank insignias and host them within my ftp then display them on the website so I will also need the proper link for those also. I could use imageshack or something but I would like to host the images because of dragging the image from another site. Is it possible to integrate a TS2 or TS3 module so that it shows on the front page? When you look at the flightplans and check the weather it only shows North America even if I am flying in Eurpoe. Can I change this? If you would rather me submit support tickets then let me know but I am sure there are other people in the same boat as me! Thanks Dale
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