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    near Cologne

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  1. Very nice! Thx!
  2. It´s ok an work now on IE9. I think it was a caching isue.
  3. Hello Nick, real nice template! Good job and i like it. Works perfekt on firefox and chrome, but IE have an problem to show up this template. What can i do to run this template in IE? thx Andy
  4. Hmm,the strange thing that only new created schedules have a problem (since update to the last beta). The schedules created befor the update are not affected. i´m confused.
  5. No. If you press "get flight", the message "No flight found" comes. Bid in phpvms work, briefing work. Old schedules work also in kACARS I looked into DB for differences but new schedules look the same like the old schedules. Andy
  6. I´ve another problem with this beta. If i create new flights in the admin area, the pilots can´t get flight data via kACARS Old flights- no problems. help...!!!
  7. Import of schedules and aircraft doesn´t work. Regards Andy
  8. i got the same issue with the "0" when using FSFK. I tried out a lot, but nothing work. I´ve genarated a stand alone db for fsfk and use the fsfk integration stuff, maybee i used on the wrong places. Andreas
  9. Hi @ all, i find a easy solution to make phpVMS Pages (e.g. briefing page) printable. You find a code generator a informations at http://www.printfriendly.com/ I tried out and works well! Regards Andreas
  10. Hmm, i think i figure out what was going wrong. After a test period from my VA, i reset all test pireps, hours. And start operations. But the database from VA Central stored my 34 testpirep entries and whipe out only the hours and flights. I delete my VA and create again. I´ll think that´s now working well.
  11. Jep, but saturday, sunday, was more flights an nothing happend. friday ago everything was fine, got score aso. that´s why i´m wondering.the last days no score and no yesterday´s score.
  12. Hello together! VA-Central stops since aprox 4 days (it starts with an error, shows flights without dep-arr) updating rigth. i get no score but a few flights done every day. Pireps not match witch the flights( flights 18 and pireps 34?). only flighthours, schedules and pilots match rigth. The ranking goes down.i tried wipe out all data, but without a success (only pirep list shows now right). I checked out local.cfg but everything is right there. http://www.vacentral.net/airline/pfg_primaflygroupva Thx for help Andreas
  13. it´s the last one 3.98 (free version). From the other pilot i don´t know, i´m waiting for a answer.
  14. FSUIPC Error #12 is the code.
  15. Where i find this code? Do you mean the number behind History in FSUIPC.cfg? Thx for help.
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