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Posts posted by Wayne

  1. also when i go to the schedules and click on the flight number or details, i get this right above the Google map...

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for GoogleMapAPI::addMarkerIcon(), called in /home4/ghostinv/public_html/aireastvirtual/lib/skins/skin4/route_map.tpl on line 20 and defined in /home4/ghostinv/public_html/aireastvirtual/core/common/GoogleMapAPI.class.php on line 889

  2. I dont know if its down or what but i updated, got no errors and by the way i love 1.2, just thought i would say that. But back to the topic the acars map dosent seem to show in firefox....shows just fine and dandy in IE...so i just thought i would throw that out there...

    And also when i updated for some reason not all but there are a couple of flights that when from having aircraft to now having any....nothing big just thought i would let you know of this as well.

  3. Thats from the pilot_public_profile.tpl i added one table around everything but that didnt do anything the test from the codes like <?php echo $pilotcode ?>, <?php echo $userinfo->rank;?> and so on are the things not showing....kinda weird..

    <table width="90%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    echo '<h3>This pilot does not exist!</h3>';
    <h3>Profile For <?php echo $userinfo->firstname . ' ' . $userinfo->lastname?></h3>
    	<td align="center">
    		<img src="<?php echo SITE_URL.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png';?>" alt="No Avatar" /> 
    		<br /><br />
    		<img src="<?php echo $userinfo->rankimage?>"  alt="" />		</td>		
    	<td valign="top">
    		<ul class="style1">
    			<li><strong>Pilot ID: </strong><?php echo $pilotcode ?></li>
    			<li><strong>Rank: </strong><?php echo $userinfo->rank;?></li>
    			<li><strong>Total Flights: </strong><?php echo $userinfo->totalflights?></li>
    			<li><strong>Total Hours: </strong><?php echo $userinfo->totalhours?></li>
    			<li><strong>Location: </strong>
    					<img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($userinfo->location);?>" 
    								alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($userinfo->location);?>" />
    					<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($userinfo->location);?>				</li>
    			// Show the public fields
    				foreach($allfields as $field)
    					echo "<li><strong>$field->title: </strong>$field->value</li>";
    		</ul>	  </td>

    Below is a pic of the pilot center..


  4. Hey im working on this new look for the site and when i look under the public profile for a pilot, none of the information shows up..? Same thing when logged in and looking in the pilot profile. Why would it be doing this when i haven really changed any styles...?

  5. I have done repaints for my airline, for all aircraft. You can find paint kits, and use those but sometimes they may now work for both fsx and other versions...

    You can check out the repaints fir my airline on my site under the fleet page.

  6. Hey i was wondering is there anyway you can make your airline code 4 letters?? Cause as of right now i tried to make mine 4 and it only accepts 3...Could i easily change this or prolly not..even if its a little hard it would be nice to use 4 letters..

  7. Here is the text file after a couple of flights were uploaded...for some reason we cant get them to show up in the admin panel on the main page on the left hand side, all debugs are set to true..and we are entering in only the Registration, still dont seem to work tho..


  8. No it seems to be for any flight...I run acars, enter in the Aircraft reg. like you said to and do the flight then i submit it the log sends okay no errors but then i go into the admin panel still dosent show on the left hand side, but it shows when i view all, so i find the flight in there and its got all the info and log, but still no aircraft....lol so i dont know what to do..

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