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phpVMS Resources
Everything posted by PhatZilla
I think I get it. Thanks much!
I have a question that I'd imagine has a simple answer, but I can't seem to find it. I am a part of a VA that simulates military ops. There are two problems that we are going to run into. Firstly, a pilot may not use the same callsign from day to day. As he does different jobs, his callsign may change accordingly. Is there a way to track flight hours and other info without mandating a pilot use a single callsign? Also, the callsigns are not only three letters... For instance, BUGSY123 might be used, where BUGSY is the actual callsign, and 123 is the pilot... does this make sense?
I have tried my hand at skinning (although it was with an older version of PHPVMS) and I pretty much fail. I am willing to pay for someone to setup a good working PHPVMS site. My failed attempt was www.westairregional.org which will give you an idea of what I'm looking for. I have the space, bandwidth and SOME PHP / html knowledge but I can't seem to get it right. That, and I don't know CSS. If anyone is willing to take this job on for me, please let me know. I have been trying to get this VA off the ground for a while.
if ya wanna send me the aircraft ill tweak w/it and see if i can get it workin for ya.
Yeah I tried my hand at it. Made something that looked nice, realized I made it for a plane that works only in FS2004 and don't have the patients to start over, as I have FSX.
I know this isn't quite related to phpvms, but as a new VA, I don't have tons of knowledge or resources for getting things done as of yet. So I'm asking the PHPVMS community if anyone knows of a good resource for making repaints for a VA. I have a few different A/C needing painted for my fleet. Cheap or free would be awesome. I have an example of what I would like done.
Are there any plans to make users that are less than admin, but more than standard users? The reason I ask, is because in the future, I would like to have my hub managers have access to approving new pilots and pireps, without having access to the entire admin pannel.
For some reason, since the last couple of updates I have done, I have lost my google map. Nothing shows up, just wite space where it should be.
WestAir Regional - http://www.westairregional.org/phpvms/
I noticed there is a contact form template, but how can I use it? I have been editing the main template, and can't seem to include it (Although I guess I could just copy it all into a PHP File and include('contact_form.php') but it seems like there would be an easier way if you included it. Or I guess I could code my own, I know enough php for that. And the template posts the data to index.php, is this correct? Does index handle the form data or is that just being a placeholder for me to put my own page to handle it.
Ok I didn't realize I needed to copy all of the tpl's to the skin dir. I did this and am editing the frontpage_main.tpl, it now looks like: <div id="mycontent"> <table width="993" border="1"> <tr> <td width="868" height="57" align="left"> <?php // Show the News module, call the function ShowNewsFront // This is in the modules/Frontpage folder News::ShowNewsFront(5); ?> </td> <td width="109" align="left"><p><strong>Newest Pilots</strong></p> <p> <?php Template::Show('frontpage_recentpilots.tpl'); ?> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="46"> </td> <td align="left"><p><strong>Newest Pireps</strong></p> <p> <?php Template::Show('frontpage_reports.tpl'); ?> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="59"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </div> But the recent pilots didnt populate... **EDIT** Still making progress, but some things still wont populate. www.westairregional.org/phpvms
I may just be dense, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to change my site's appearance effectively. I have managed changing the images and colors and such, but as far as the actual layout and placement of things, all I have managed to do is move crap around in a non productive fashion. I made a file called test.php. In it I have <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo $title ?></title> <?php Template::Show('core_htmlhead.tpl'); ?> </head> <body> <p> <?php Template::Show('core_htmlreq.tpl'); ?> </p> <p> </p> <div id="mycontent"> <table width="993" border="1"> <tr> <td width="868" height="57" align="left"> <?php Template::Show('frontpage_main.tpl'); ?> </td> <td width="109" align="left"><p><strong>Newest Pilots</strong></p> <p> <?php Template::Show('frontpage_recentpilots.tpl'); ?> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="46"> </td> <td align="left"><p><strong>Newest Pireps</strong></p> <p> <?php Template::Show('frontpage_reports.tpl'); ?> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="59"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html> I tried it w/o the htmlreq and html head tpl's as they are in header.tpl. I'm so confused, I just want it to look like it does in Dreamweaver and I have not coded in PHP in a very long time, and this would be over my head anyhow. Do I have to copy every .tpl file i reference into my skin folder? How does it know what HTML file is my template file? I'm so lost and I've read the tutorial like ten times and lost my patients. I called the div mycontent in the head and it still hates me. any ideas?
als, i just deleted a third pilot type i had addied, there wa admnistrators, active and i added a third.. meant to delet it, but since i cant access admin features, I just did it from the db. The url is www.westairregional.org its horrible looking right now. Haha. I'm focused on the function at the moment. Disregard. It's fixed. I'm just sql retarded
Error SQL query: -- -- Dumping data for table `phpvms_acarsdata` -- INSERT INTO `phpvms_acarsdata` ( `id` , `pilotid` , `flightnum` , `pilotname` , `aircraft` , `lat` , `lng` , `heading` , `alt` , `gs` , `depicao` , `depapt` , `arricao` , `arrapt` , `deptime` , `timeremaining` , `arrtime` , `distremain` , `phasedetail` , `online` , `messagelog` , `lastupdate` ) VALUES ( 1, 'WAR0001', 'WAR0001', '', 'NKSEA1', '48.649139', '-123.424438', 0, '65', 177, 'KSEA', 'SEATTLE TACOMA INTL', 'CYYJ', 'VICTORIA INTL', '00:00:00', '00:00', '00:00:00', '0', 'Cruise', '', '', '2008-12-29 01:27:07' ) ; MySQL said: #1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
Ok. I got tired of waiting for my buddy. I moved to a paid host. I srtarted doing a new install, then quickly realized I didn't need to. I put my skins folder on the live site and my updated local.config. It seems to work fine, except there is now no fleet, or pilots. I can';t even log in as admin. Should I try a fresh install and actually run the install script?
Yeah, I just realized my sql username and or pass and or db access is messed up. Ill have my buddy fix it, he hosts it professionally
So I uploaded a clean install of phpvms to the live server and was just running through the install, and after putting in my DB info it gave some php error about it needing to be a string. I tinkered with it a bit, hit the 'test connection' button and it gave me an error saying accessis denied for me. Problem is that my DB username and DB name have an underscore in them. The error message truncated the underscore and everything after it. I'm going to try upping my (already installed) local copy, and altering the local.config by hand. wish me luck. I get this now Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /edited/edited/public_html/phatzilla/phpvms/core/classes/MySQL.class.php on line 134
By the way, this is sorta on topic. When adding aircraft, I was having a hard time finding stats that were either all using the same measurement (NM versus MI etc) but I found a site that has aircraft info, and small thumbnails of the aircraft (might be useful when the image feature is done). Anyhow here it is. I'm sure there are others but this is the first one I found. Sorry if this is considered spam, I am just sharing some help! http://www.airliners.net/aircraft-data/
Amazing. It fixed it. That was so frustrating! Thanks again though. One more thing...sorry to be a pain heh. At first my (admin) account didnt have the signature showing up, but i manually put it where it needed to be to appear, now I made a test account, and while the badge shows up, some other images dont. image.jpg
Roger that. I'll throw it on the live server and see if I have the same issues. On my test machine, I am using XAMPP. It's amazing and saves tons of setup time heh. Also, thanks for making these scripts and standing by them. It's nice to see someone take pride in their work and stand by and support it.
as far as airports, hubs and he likes, do you think i could back up the database and restore it on the new server to keep those?
Apache HTTPD 2.2.11 + Openssl 0.9.8i MySQL 5.1.30 PHP 5.2.8 phpMyAdmin 3.1.1 Yes; I have four hubs. I'm currently just running this on my computer until my buddy sets up my webspace, at which point I'll export all the DB to the new setup. Will that work? Seems most of the important data could be easily transported. Please tell me if I'm wrong. Essentially I want to make it on my comp which has the above setup. Assuming my new space has the same versions of sql and php, it should work right?
I love this software but I am having a couple of issues I hope someone can assist me with. Primarily, when I try and add an aircraft, I get an error message. I have included the before/after screen shot, although it may be tough to read as I had to shrink it to meet forum posting limits. I went through phpmysql and trashed the name index. I left name_1(I think that's the name of it) alone. Still no luck. And finally, my live map doesn't exist. It is simply empty white space. Any ideas? Thanks. Floyd I forgot to add, I have tried filling out the entire form, and it didn't fix the aircraft issue. And as it turns out, reading saves the day...and google maps. I figured out the google key situation, so that is now working. Still failing in the aircraft department though. screenshots.jpg