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  1. I'll try it and report, how it works. Thanks in advance.
  2. My problem still exists. Does anyone have some solution approaches or can tell me, where the search "settings" are set?
  3. Hi there, I have a difficult question, I guess. The flight search for pilots does search for various inputs. For example when I search for A320 and EDDF, the reults are either flights departing from EDDF or flights with A320. But what I want is a explicit search for flights departing from EDDF with A320. How can I change it? Many thanks in advance!
  4. Thank you very much. I nearly searched every *.tpl file - except for the schedules_results.tpl.
  5. I have a nother clue what caused the problem but again I can't find the section where it was. The problem occurred after I deleted the section, which configurates whether to show all flights or only todays flights. Could this be the solution? And if so, where to place the config?
  6. I guess it's the # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', true); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', true); part and that's that I already tried. But it does not work.
  7. Hi there, I couldn't find a topic like this, so I decided to start a new one. I have a very simple problem. When a pilot makes a bid for a flight, the flight usually disappears in the schedule because it is already booked. Lately, this does not happen anymore. When a pilot makes a bid for a flight, the flight is still available for other pilots in the schedules. I know it is a configuration problem. But I wasn't able to find the place (file) where to set the config for this problem. Could you please help me? Best regards, Chris.
  8. Hi, I tried it and first of all, it seems to work. But not like i'd wish it. The Pax-Numbers generated are all the time between 160 and 190. I guess it does not generate the 82% of the aircrafts maximum pax number, but a random number btw. 160 and 190. How can I fix it?
  9. Hey, thanks very much. I'll try it.
  10. Hi, does anyone have a code for a load sheet in the pilot briefing or does anyone know where I can get the auto-generated pax and load for a flight? The system generates automatically Paxnumber and load when clicking on Send Pirep but I'd like to have it before starting a flight in the briefing in order to load the aircraft correctly. Thanks, Chris.
  11. Works fine. Thanks.
  12. The problem looks like this: And when clicking on "Accept" oder "Reject" nothing happens. I tried single and doubleclick
  13. I have a few problems after updating to 2.1: Can't accept new pilots Can't "style" news (only as html code) checkinstall.php says "/lib/js/jquery.form.js doesn't exist" but when I take a look at my ftp-program the file is there
  14. Hi at all, is it possible to run the phpvms with two languages simultaneous? I searched but I was not able to find such a (already posted) topic in the forum. Regards, Chris
  15. Is it possible that the system offers several flights with only one flight number? My VA uses a flight number for a flight with several departure and arrival times. For exemple: ABC001 DEP: 08:00a ARR 09:30a | 123456- ABC001 DEP: 08:15a ARR 09:45a | ------7 Cheers, Chris
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