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Everything posted by Adam.

  1. I believe it draws a line from A > B, and doesn't actually use your flightplan... So it will look inaccurate if thats the case
  2. Hi guys, I've been skinning phpvms for a friend and have stumbled on the odd few minor problems. I've got the latest beta installed and running. 1. The hours till next rank, I've filed a test Pirep taking 56min. The next rank is available at 25 hours so the time till promotion should be 24.06 however it says 24.44. 2. I was looking at the topic in regards to adding flags to the latest pilots which I have added in. The flags it uses however are in caps so it's US.png instead of us.png. Thats all for now, any help is appreciated
  3. Your google map is looking a tad bit tacky... You have the wrong shadows!
  4. Well Dave, it's a big change from that copy of VAbase???
  5. If you can make a template, you can skin phpvms... Just copy the top half into the header and the bottom half into the footer add the menu and your done
  6. IMO: The 100% for charter flights is a good idea Companys tend to book 100% of the aircraft, so the 100% income is a good idea
  7. Thanks! Just one last thing, I've edited the pilot sig's and the text colour wont change :S I've reset them arouns 10 times so far! any ideas?
  8. Thanks Nabeel!
  9. Hey, Just thought I would pop by and say hello, I've been following this project from the start and I feel this would my VA. I've worked on my fare share of php driven systems and I'm now going to try intergrate PHPvms with what I've got done so far. Just one question, Nabeel your probaly the only one who could answer this, where is the code that protects the crew area files? I'm looking to add one or two custom pages and would like to have them hidden from others. Cheers Adam.
  10. hey! If it's hosting your looking for I'm sure I could lend you a small bit of space, once it's phpvms and non-profit. Cheers Adam
  11. I know i had a link to an XML feed for METARs etc... I can take a peek and see if I can find it Nabeel if you want?
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