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  1. Exactly ... that right there. thanks .. but I made the change and the site now does not come more ... I returned the original and it does not fall over now.
  2. Misters I signed in VACentral. There is an instruction to: Add it to phpVMS To complete configuration, copy and paste the following into your local.config.php (at the end is fine): Config::Set('VACENTRAL_ENABLED', true); Config::Set('VACENTRAL_API_SERVER', 'http://api.phpvms.net'); Config::Set('VACENTRAL_API_KEY', '9b20952f6b5f7c8bd51f25dc14ce9557'); I looked for the referenced file and find no .. that would create? how? I have no idea how. Help, please..
  3. Hi. Thanks for the quick answer. The VA users are using kACARS, but they are reporting a huge delay of more than 1 hour in certain situations, so they can´t find out what the plane really is. Thanks again.
  4. Hello, Some VA users are reporting that the information displayed on the MAP have a delay and don´t reflect the actual phase of the flight. Is there some way to correct that? Thank you in advance.
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