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El Macara

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Everything posted by El Macara

  1. El Macara

    Kacars Error

    When I try to connect to the airline using Kacar, I get the error that appears in the picture All pilots are having the same problem Can anyone help me with this problem?
  2. thank you flyalaska, the problem was in that file, and now I could solve thank you so much...
  3. How I can solve this problem?
  4. Hi guys. I'm having a problem with my VA. when pilots try to do click on: Add to Bid, the process does not run correctly, and appears a message saying: No route passed How can I fix this problem so that the option to work properly?
  5. yes, I can see the image for link olso in my control panel, but is not working in the adwards
  6. not simpilot, I change link to see if the image appeared, but does not work
  7. thanks for your desire to help me in this little problem, but hey, you tried everything I have explained, and it still does not work. only shows the name of the image, but no picture. in my control panel when I add the link of the image, if I see the image, but the page you can only see the name of the image. This is not the problem.
  8. thanks for answer me can you tell me the correct folder where I upload the images of the awards? and how to find the folder
  9. hello, how is the correct way to view the images in my airline awards, because I have added several images in my awards but only you can see letters, but the images do not appear. can someone guide me about this please?
  10. thank you, I installed in my VA, its working very good...
  11. I have a question, the reports is filed is when are approved, or as it is cheap is archived? and if that's not the way to archive, as it should do please?
  12. Hi, I have installed everything, but the current month's statistics are not published, says that I have nothing filed, how I can fix this please? sorry for the picture in spanish, but my website is in spanish.
  13. hi, thanks for answering. I copy the file stuhover.js I believe is the menu and paste it into the file layout.tpl pro_dropdown_2.css then copy the file and paste it into the file styles.css went up all the gif to my root directory but does not work, I have a question: When I copy the stuhover.js (menu) where in the file layout.tpl is that I put you copy the menu? just as where in the styles.css file is that I paste the copied file pro_dropdown_2.css? the gif pictures simply got on my main root directory, I have no knowledge if I have to put in some specific folder. anyone else read this message so you can understand and should help lower the file that is in attach so you can help I hope you can help me thanks ...
  14. hi, i want to know how I can install the css drop down menus? obsessblue currently use the skin, I would like to know what is the name of the file that I go to install the css drop down menus? please do not just need to know the name of the file, also need to know how to install it step by step. here I send in attach the css drop down menus that I want to install to have an idea that can help better. agradesco the help they can give me pro_dropdown_2.zip
  15. thank you so much Eisfaust
  16. currently I'm using the ObsessBlue skin and I put that code in the header.tpl file
  17. thank you nabeel, i got it now regards
  18. ok thank you for your attention and help, please let me know take care..
  19. hi, how I can create in my airline, submenu? now the skin of my airline is: obssesblue regards
  20. hi, when I post an ad on the homepage of the airline, a message always says: Posted by Somebody, My question is: I want to remove this message, which is the name of the file to do that please?
  21. I put the codes in my airline and they are working perfectly, One last question, you have the code to publish the total miles? thanks for your help, I hope to answer.
  22. thanks for answering and helping me with what I need, I'll try tomorrow and let you know if the code work thanks for your help ...
  23. hi, as I can post all the stats of my airline? example: total flights, total hours, total miles, total passengers, total money, total pilots, flight plans total. all these statistics I have them in my control panel, but I want to publish as everyone else can see them. how I can do this please thanks for the help they can give me ...
  24. thanks for answering. but a question. how I can configure the flight board to the mine site that only works for my airline flights without VATSIM OR IVAO? I'm sorry for the duplique message.
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