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Everything posted by Rogerox

  1. Thank you, Simpilot, that´s exactly what I needed! Regards, Roger
  2. Hi Joeri, I need something to wipe out only the pilot and specific flight I was doing, not all the flights on the map. Example: I am PLT1123 flying FLT1244, when I end my flight, the MAP still shows it for several minutes/hours. I would like to trigger an event with my ACARS client, telling the server side to call some tool to wipe only FLT1244 So the map that had this: PLT1101 - John Xxxx FLT 1203 PLT1104 - Paul Yxxx FLT 1214 PLT1123 - Peter Zzzz FLT 1244 <= that´s my flight PLT1107 - Carl Oooo FLT 1232 Will have this: PLT1101 - John Xxxx FLT 1203 PLT1104 - Paul Yxxx FLT 1214 PLT1107 - Carl Oooo FLT 1232 Is that possible? Thanks.
  3. Hi there, I want to know if there´s any way to wipe the flight data from the LIVE MAP window, for example, after the flight is done (I plan to trigger an event from client to server side, at the PHP module, to make it clean the flight data). I mean, how to code at server side (php module) to clean up just the pilots flight data (especific flight data, not all data at the map window). Thank you in advance. Regards, Roger
  4. Solved. Just using the same fields used by kAcars and it´s now working fine.
  5. Hi, I am programming my own ACARS Client and a new ACARS module on PHP too. The FilePIREP works fine to me, but I am having trouble to find out what are the minimum fields to send when calling ACARSData::UpdateFlightData($pilotid, $fields); When I begin logging the flight, still on the appron, for example, I am passing the following fields to an array: $macars = array ( 'flightnum'=>$datac[2], 'code'=>$datac[1], 'aircraft'=>$schd->registration, 'lat'=>$datac[3], 'lng'=>$datac[4], 'heading'=>$datac[5], 'alt'=>$datac[6], 'gs'=>$datac[7], 'depicao'=>$schd->depicao, 'depapt'=>$schd->depname, 'arricao'=>$schd->arricao, 'arrapt'=>$schd->arrname, 'route'=>'', 'distremain'=>$dist_remain, 'lastupdate'=>$datac[10], 'phasedetail'=>'No Solo: Embarque', 'online'=>'', 'client'=>'RogeroxAcars' ); And after that I call the ACARSData::updateFlightData($datac[0], $macars); The problem is that when I try to pass some other data again, it´s not updating on LIVE MAP. Can you please help me with it? Thank you! Regards, Roger
  6. Hi again! I am trying to find the file on server side to translate de right upper corner of the main page (that one on index.php). The words still show in english, like: PilotID: ..., Rank: ... File a New Pirep, View My Bids, View Pilot Center... Can you please tell me where do I find the files(s) to translate it? Thanks! Regards, Roger
  7. Found a solution! I was using "\n" and 25 as a limit on the wordwrap() Now I am using str_replace with two changes '|' for '<br />' and '~' for ' ' Thanks anyway! I´m not good on PHP code, that´s why I´m having this kind of problems. Thanks again for your time! Regards, Roger
  8. Yes. I´ve already made my ACARS and I am passing the data. For example DATA1=one|two|three|four I want to make the $log_str = $_GET['DATA1'] directed to $PIREP = array ( ..., ... 'log'=> $log_str, ... ) Formatted using that: $log_str = str_replace('|', ' ', $log_str); $log_str = wordwrap($log_str, 25, "\n"); The problem is that when I process the PIREP array (using ACARSData::FilePIREP($pilotid, $PIREP) ), looking on the ...pirepadmin/viewpending the LOG field looks like this one two three four and I want it displayed as: one two three four That´s what I really need Appreciate any light on that. Thanks
  9. Hi, I am programming my own ACARS and everything is going fine, but I cannot use the correct format for displaying the LOG field, on PIREP, same way kACARS does. I would like the LOG on PIREP to display this way: [00:00] bla bla bla [00:01] bla bla ... [00:02] bla... ... Can you please help me? Thank you! Regards, Roger
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