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  1. Well we all make mistakes when it comes to grammar, (not every one here is a native speaker/writer and even natives are often found messing it up) Then when one apologizes to to blow him/her is not ethical. Let's stick to the point what brought us here. Thanks, Ermias
  2. Hi, This site: http://www.flashimagegallery.com may give you some hint as to how difficult or easy it would be. I wouldn't even attempt I know well abou it. Good luck, ermias
  3. Hi, Looks great. I wish FSACARS cooprate with mine like yours. It just doesn't work consistently. ermias
  4. Thanks, Nabeel I will try that on another computer which I am thinking to host my VA from. (of course if it works) Can't stand the temptation of trying it from my side before I upload it to a real host. ermis
  5. Hi, I use phpvms in my computer as a local server. If incase I want to move it to a different computer how would I back it up? I know the permissions should be reset again as they don't transffer as set to write and read. Anybody who tried this? Thanks, ermias
  6. ermias

    Live Map

    Hi, you have to go here: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html And signup for google api key. Just type "http://localhost" if you are testing it within your local computer as a server or typ your domain then copy the key. Then open phpvms admin panel, after opening the site and stttings/general settings in the "google api key" space. Then the map will show up. ermias
  7. Hi Nabeel, Last night I did the updates successfully and hope it will fix most of the issues that many of us havae. I have a question thogh. Is there a way to add a button or link to to call the "contact us" page withiout typing on the URL? And a similar one: I have imbaded phpvms in my VA website, I access it from the main "home page" using a button/link "Pilot lounge". How can I redirect from phpvms to the main va website page when one loges off or just wants to go back? Thanks in advance, ermias
  8. Nabeel, Thanks for the quick replly. I support the contribution and donation. We well know how much others are asking to pay. phpVMS really deserves to ask for some and bits them by miles!! ermis
  9. Hi Nabeel, Does this mean, if I understood it well, part of the website (a virtual ailines) going to be webbased and the other part in control of the owners? And the other question (probably a bold one, I guess, since no one replied sofar) is phpVMS gradually going to shy away from freeware world? I am sure this is probably the question in the head of many of us. Where ever it goes I will support the idea. Thanks for evey bit of time you invested to give this great software. Ermias
  10. Thanks Nabeel, Since there are many files, which ones shold I check in either phpvms or fsacars? Ermias
  11. Hey Nabeel, Is it possilbe to view a test flight on live map from a local host? I ahve the goole map set and viewable and I am still using my own local server for testing, but there is no view even if I file the flight table of acars. I have downloaded the fsacars ini and placed it in acass folder. What change should I make to ACARS OR PHPVMS? Thanks, ermias
  12. Hi Nabeel, I finally got the time to check for your reply. Thanks a million and problem fixed! I was reading on the other thread about automatic user creation to a forum of a VA via phpvms while a new user logs in. The whole thing was beyond my knowledge and I gave up. Is there any thought aobut including it in one of your major updatses? I'm sure many would love to seethat. How about creating a wish list in your forum so that you can gauge which requests weigh more? Thanks, ermias
  13. Nabeel, Thanks for the reply, but I forgot to mention that at the moment I am using Xampp as local host in my computer to see if everything is working before I upload it to a host. Any hope? Ermias
  14. Good morning, As usual I am here with another issue, this time update link. On the admin panel site over view tab under the st it reads: "Error: The phpVMS update server could not be contacted. Check to make sure allow_url_fopen is set to ON in your php.ini, or that the cURL module is installed (contact your host). " Well the php ini for this matter is set to ON and I don't know anything about cUrl. I have downloaded it but I don't know where or how to insall it. Or is there another shortcut to this? Thanks for the usual help, ermias
  15. New Day, Fresh Appearance!! Looks really great. Thanks, Ermias
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