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Everything posted by Ehrhardt

  1. We are still here but had difficulties paying the bill for the webserver. At the moment our personal money is going into the project and we were hoping for more advertising and donations. Neither came, so we are trying to get it up and running again somewhere else, or at least pay the bill of our current host.
  2. In the case of the Virtual Airline List, I am still happy to exchange info with any Virtual Airline related webpage. We have already limited info from VACentral in to VA Profiles on our page, and we do offer RSS feeds from several sources outside of the Virtual Airline List. If any other website wants to "borrow" parts from our statistics, I would be happy to receive any messages from them. Still, our news section is going very well. More and more Virtual Airlines are finding our little news submit area and we had news each day since the 1st of September I hope we can keep this up and be the number one information / resource webpage on the internet for Virtual Airlines
  3. Hello my fellow Virtual Aviation pilots! I am looking for some people who are willing to help out in a new environment in Virtual Aviation... Yes, not a standard "Airline", but more like a group of pilots who like to fly in a whole new perspective. This VA will not be the usual HUB-to-HUB flying but will be able to create some special circumstances. For this I need a few enthusiasts who can contribute and supply some good feedback, flight tracking-ware and or content for the webpage. I do not want to give too much info right now, but when this goes live, we will have something to be excited about. Want to know more? Please PM me and I can supply some more specific details.
  4. Our new feature has been online for a month now, it's the Virtual Airline List Magazine. It has interviews with VA CEOs, some results from the survey which are being hosted on the VA-List and some other articles which could be useful for you new Virtual Airlines out there. You can check it here.
  5. Make sure you let the world know you are there. Like mentioned, have press releases, and post them anywhere you think potential pilots might hang out. Events, open positions in staff, new assets to the fleet, livery changes, etc etc. It shows dedication and will have a positive way on how other people will regard your Virtual Airline. I do have to disagree on the "not too many" in the guide. If you are able to have 1 or 2 press releases a month then you are well on your way and place them strategically, not all in one place, try to use a different website for every new article.
  6. Okay, depending on what VACentral has to say about this, it is possible to gather information from them. In fact I already have done so for the moment. If VACentral does not want this feature however, for whatever reason, I will remove it again. And ow, knowing I could do better than only the rank, I added awards too Here's an example of what it might look like (I might change the layout). Be aware though that the VACentral information you see for the Virtual Airline List there is of course not real and belongs to a different VA. I'm borrowing it temporarily to be able to show you this page.
  7. lol, my apologies for not knowing the people here on the board.
  8. Can one of the VACentral people send me a PM please? I have to ask something about 'connecting' my VA-List with some particular objects on vacentral.net. Thanks.
  9. 1. Hey, good idea. I will look into this. Btw, if anyone reads this and has some good ideas, feel free to PM me. We will take everything into consideration. 2. No. Check twice before clicking You see, we take ip addresses basically, and if you have a dynamic ip there is no way to know which vote was yours Yeah... no. This is how it is for now. I need to redo the alphabetical list soon anyway so I might change it later on eventually.
  10. It's programmed that way. The focus lies on the "Top voted" page, when on this page you can switch to an alphabetical list if one wants to. I don't see how this can annoy people really.
  11. New update! In order to make the list faster I have changed the vote list into a 20 Virtual Airlines per page view with of course the needed navigational buttons and a quick search text field. During this and the following week I will be making some small cosmetic changes to make it look a little bit more streamlined. - Erik
  12. Hey guys, here's yet another update. I've launched a Magazine combined with our Virtual Airline List. I will try to catch the latest new regarding Virtual Airlines, try to get some Virtual Airline profiles on there for presentation and have some interviews with all sorts of people and companies. It is all about Virtual Airlines basically, there will be no review of planes but rather reviews about applications used by... you guessed it, Virtual Airlines. So yeah... I am not really a reporter, so I am looking for some volunteers as well to help out with finding and writing related content. So if you like writing about Flight Simming and Virtual Airlines, send me a PM and we can have a look. The magazine has a link on the main screen of the Virtual Airline List, or more directly right here. It will be a test the first months to see if it catches on. I hope you will enjoy it... Best regards, Erik
  13. Hey all, I am wanting to start a new fictional VA, actually it's the name of my old VA back in 2004-ish; Nedair. I would like to have some other Dutch (or other) FSX enthousiasts to help me get the whole thing set up, flight planning, what planes to use, etcetera. It should be regional without any of the bigger wings, think in the line of Fokker 70s, Dash 8s, Embraers... etc. The flights will be short hops and avoiding the major airports, with our main HUB being on Zestienhoven, Rotterdam. We need some testflights to set up timetables, a new Orange/Black livery for the new planes (my old livery was as shown below). Get some groundrules, set up network flying, etcetera etcetera. Will be fun. I have the website set up, and will update this with cool and new features and of course the layout. Send me a PM if interested!
  14. Well that must be your setup then. Although I never encourage the use of Internet Explorer for browsing, rather use Chrome or Firefox. In any case, IE 9 worked extremely fast for me, the VA_list showed up within a second or so. So I really have no idea what could be wrong at your end :S And I never heard of a webpage 'crashing' an internet connection.
  15. Script errors? Can you specify?
  16. I hear ya. I hardly have any problems with this at all, maybe my location relative to the server might be better, I have no idea why it is slow for some of you guys. I will look into this the next week and see if I can get some upgrades installed here and there. Thanks for pointing this out though, I was not aware of this. I could have seen this earlier, but I hardly ever use the forums that much. I rather have an email from the VA-List website so I can be quicker about it.
  17. My apologies for the screw-up of the March voting results. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 were lost in the mayhem our system caused during the counting of the votes on the first of April (not a joke). We were unfortunately not able to fix a script error in time and the results went bananas. We have however full confidence that the voting results for next month will run as smoothly as ever. We are still trying to improve our service of course and are always updating old routines. Keep registering and voting folks! We have come a fair far way since our start in October last year, such a short period with some good results... 107 Virtual Airlines registered and counting. We are most definitely becoming the largest collection of active Virtual Airline names on the internet. And yep, it's free. But like Vansers said, for a small fee you can have more features to show off your Virtual Airline with. What HUBs you fly from, add screenshots, have your banner stand out from the crowd with some 'eye-candy', what types of planes you use and add a youtube video for example. We added this feature to be able to pay for the server / bandwidth costs.
  18. The Virtual Airline list now has 100 registered Virtual Airlines!
  19. Hey guys, it's been a while since I last posted here, so I thought I would show some stuff to let the people who are interested in these kind of things what we at the Virtual Airline List handle our stuff. There has been quite some stuff going on about votes we get which we do not allow, so here's a screenshot of what we see... As you can see here, in the red box, three web servers. Sometimes they lead to a proxy page, sometimes it leads to an ordinary server somewhere on the globe. These votes we check by clicking on the actual ip address, or we copy paste the host in our address bar... because we are just that curious about it If a Virtual Airline goes completely crazy and uses every single proxy or webserver they can get their hands on. We disable the voting process for these VAs. Because we do value fair voting... If a vote leads to absolutely nowhere and the host is just a standard IP address, we tag it, and we move on and after the end of the month all these addresses will be removed from our database, but we keep the servers and proxy addresses in a different datavase so they can't be used again. So that's basically how it works.
  20. The new version of Virtual Airline list is up and working! I am happy to announce that after three days of testing, we can now officially declare that the new version (v3) of the Virtual Airline List is working smoothly. More and more Virtual Airlines still sign up, which is absolutely a wonderful thing, the news section is working splendidly ( so you registered VAs, please use it ) and now has a RSS function so be updated daily through feedburner, it also has a twitter button now for every news article, so tweet away! The news items will not be updated weekly anymore, but daily and it is integrated nicely within the whole new design. So it's a big improvement on the News section and it's ready to take on the more established VA news pages which are still rather limited. :S The Premium Accounts have been polished, is more glittery and allows now mentioning of where the Virtual Airline HUBs are. We are also thinking about more to the point info, mentioning of FSAcars, KAcars, FSPassengers and such. AND, if we get the back up on this one, linking to other "official" pages like vacentral, if they would have us. And maybe even a live flight tracking map somewhere... but that's in investigation / research. A search function (page) has been added, although that area could use some good ideas still... but we're working it. If you have a Virtual Airline, or are flying for one which is not yet on the Virtual Airline List, make sure it gets added. It's a good thing to get all the worlds VAs in one neat list. The proxy rules have been lifted somewhat, January was a test with the immediate shutdown of voting rights after proxy votes have been found. But for the people who noticed these proxy-bans, still be warned, we do NOT allow votes through proxy sites and / or web servers. See you there!
  21. This just in!!! We will also be upgrading the Virtual Airline News weekly and make it into a Daily news bulletin with corresponding links throughout the Virtual Airline News webpage and it will also be integrated and cannot be seen separately anymore. The Premium account will now allow registration of HUBs to provide more info for our visitors / viewers. We expect to have the new layout up and running in February.
  22. Alright, I'm letting it out and here's a preview. The premiere is here on phpvms! The new layout for February 2011. I am 10% done more or less with implementation, and it will need some testing before it will replace the old layout. But I promise I will have it done for sure in February
  23. I am happy to announce that the Virtual Airline List has now reached over 55 registered Virtual Airlines and 30.000 pageviews. Although some might have a member advantage, we still have a non-voting list as well for your VA browsing pleasure. So if you are looking for a big Virtual Airline, or a smaller personal one, be sure to check it out. For our regular viewers, I am thinking about yet a new layout. Yes, I got some itches here and there and I need to let it out.
  24. Well I don't have any ties with VACentral really. I am unsure how VACentral grabbed news (if I understand this correctly) from the VAFlash site, maybe with a RSS/Atom feed, I don't know. If they want they are welcome to send me an email with what they would like to have as a standard.
  25. Alright, I haven't been sitting still, so here's a new update. The Layout is working out quite well, so that's worth mentioning I think. This is basically the way it will look like for a few months unless I stumble upon an even better layout idea... Who knows AND we have almost reached 40... FORTY Virtual Airlines after almost two months, that's quite a leap forward and it makes me happy getting people excited to join up. Good stuff, and I thank all of you who signed up. It makes the webpage worth working on. Also to the people who take the time to fill out the surveys, thanks.., it really helps a lot. Updates: - The new news-ticker includes the latest three Virtual Airlines Weekly News articles. - The Virtual Airlines Weekly News has finally image support. Sorry Marc for the delay, I should have fixed it sooner. - Increased scanning for Proxy and Dynamic IP voting. Our team is also working hard to check the daily votes and report suspicious ones, it's quite a handful but we assure that every vote is/will be handled fair and square. Things to do: - The Premium accounts cosmetics. If one is interested in the Premium accounts, it has to be worth while. So I am looking into cool features (Suggestions are welcome, please contact me using the Contact link on Virtual Airline List)
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