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Everything posted by Allan

  1. I was trying to import it the the phpvms admin section Regards, Allan
  2. I have uploaded in 8 different parts, and only 792 of 12069 are showing any ideas?? Regards, Allan
  3. Awesome will give it a go, Simpilot Regards, Allan
  4. I tried that and still errors out I have it split into 8 parts Regards, Allan
  5. How do i increase the limit to what ever default is to 10 mb i have over 12,000 routes and i cant upload them, Kind Regards, Allan
  6. Thanks Nabeel Regards, Allan
  7. Ahh thank for the response, but I figured it out, If a pilot does a flight it credits it on Hours, and pay, Best Regards, Allan
  8. I have a few pilots that have not receive their hours nor pay when I used the auto accept pireps, I went back to accepting them manually, but how do I get them there hours they didn't receive? Kind Regards, Allan
  9. Missed you on ts3 Vanser, my fault i be there if you join in Best Regards, Allan
  10. K good luck, Best Regards, Allan
  11. Also, for pilot sending another pilot the link, can have it to where it has a password for 1 use, after the 1 use is up, no other pilot can transfer file to another, and be used!! Regards. Allan
  12. Awsome, I guess see what you can do, Vansers, if you get some time jump on ts3 ip usfc.dyndns.org port 9987
  13. That would be cool, But does that subtract the amount of the product, from the pilot pay? Regards, Allan
  14. Maybe we can set some kind of permission, if he wants to buy the product he will receive by administrator, or maybe, we can try and setup up some kind of permissions settings, never though of that though, Best Regards Allan
  15. K no worries was just a thought lol, If I had the knowledge I would try it but I am a PHP DUMB ASS!! Regards, Allan
  16. Awsome!!! Vansers I think it will be a great feature for VA's! Regards, Allan!
  17. If any one is interested, and not sure if Pilot Shop is the same as Pilot Store. I was think of this for days and thought it be a good Idea, Pilot Store: pilots can use their Virtual money purchase like Repaints and scenery addons, Not sure ifs hard to make or not as though I dont have knowledge, But think its a great idea, cause pilots have money but they have no where to use it, so which means it will keep building up for no use, so think a pilot store will be the best thing to do, GREAT IDEA, Feedback would be great, maybe some one can handle coding it. Best Regards Allan
  18. If anyone is interested in making some money, I need a theme, please contact me at allan@usaflightclub.com Best Regards, Allan
  19. Is it possible to send emails in the admin email all pilots section, using HTML ? And how do I go about doing this. Kind Regards, Allan
  20. Allan

    ACARS Map

    Ok will give a go Thanks for the help, Regards, Allan
  21. Allan

    ACARS Map

    Where would i add that at in this page http://usfc.dyndns.org:81 ? Regards, Allan
  22. Allan

    ACARS Map

    When doing that, it shows my whole site, I want to just use the acars map itself. Regards, Allan
  23. Allan

    ACARS Map

    Thanks will give it a go Regards, Allan
  24. Allan

    ACARS Map

    Any help on how I can just Iframe the Acars map on my server page? What file is the acars map, the location? Kind Regards, Allan
  25. Is there a way to email just pilots in one hub, for instance I want to have a hub event but i dont want to email all pilots just want to email pilots associated to that hub I need to know how i can add a code to do so thanks! Kind Regards, Allan
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