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phpVMS Resources
Everything posted by kbohme
ok, I would like to be able to use KAcars tracking logs to import pireps into my site. The idea is that a pilot could do a flight on one airline (using Kacars), and then I could call the log file (which I think i have figures out) and use that log to import the pirep into a second airline that I have. I am wondering if this is even a possibility ? I'm not looking for the code (i am working on that) I guess what I am wondering is how it works (Kacars) so that I can figure out if its possible.
I figured it had to be some kind of a screw up, i will keep an eye and link when its running again.(if you are still interested)
Yep still going, only a couple of really active pilots but that still works for me. I figure after a few more repaints and tweaks word of mouth will spread. I also intend to do some more "marketing" (for lack of a better term) once the site is "tweaked" a little more. Its a much bigger job then initially anticipated, but I am enjoying the learning curve. ANYHOO still interested in this sharing idea. We should hash it out a little, or perhaps start small. What is your closest hub to ...lets say CYYQ or PAWG ? (those are presently my two hubs, I will setup some flights on my airline to your hubs so that we can at least have a transfer location from airline to airline). Also do have a link to a banner of some kind perhaps ? I can set you up as a "partner" let me know what you think... POST SCRIPT hmmmmm.....your site is coming up on my browser as a "reported attack page" and I cant view it.... that may throw a fly into the ointment
Has anyone tried yet to integrate the Air Hauler program output with vms ? My pilots have been asking so I thought that I would try here before I start my own (gonna be very slow) investigation. I am looking for only very basic integration right now the pilots simply enter the Air Hauler route as a charter on kACARS and track it while they fly it on AH. It would be nice if I could just pull the VMS info right from AH logs.
Thanks, that was just what i was looking for.... a bit embarrassed that i couldn't find it...soz
well this is one that I have never seen before.... any suggestions ?? Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 5 bytes) in ****/******/public_html/vms/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 273 Is my database too large now ? (i just added thousands of airports)
thanks I will give that a try !
I am trying to get the total number of awards for a pilot. How can I count the awards of a specific pilot? I am looking to rank pilots based on the number of awards that they have. The awards have a separate table for those awarded and I cant figure out how to count them based on the pilot number field. Any help you can give would be appreciated.
I think that perhaps a manual hours entry would be required (after doing some research as a noob coder) Would we also want to add some routes so that pilots that are interested could switch from airline to airline at shared airports ? ( Sorry about the delay in response, but holidays and all ) I am definitely interested
thanks nabeel, I have already tried that code around and it caused some problems. It wasn't recording flight properly...etc... Since I am fairly noob at the php thing I couldn't figure out a fix. I was just a thought, Thanks for all the reponces
thanks for the response, i will try that. (i'm a little embarrassed that it seems to be such a simple solution). and joeri, you are correct. I am on the road quite a bit and would like to be able to accept pireps so that pilots don't have to wait days until they get credit for their flights. I will recheck everything when I get back to my computer.(However, we are a relaxed and fun VA, not really concerned with flight levels..etc...if a pilot does a flight using a flight tracker they get credit for it. I only really check the manual pireps). I actually hope to figure out the code to auto accept kACARS filed flights and only require my approval on manually filed pireps)
Ok...I have been trying to figure out how to do the following: I would like it so that when I get an email sent requesting acceptance of a pirep, if i can include a single link on the email that will alow me to hit it and accept all. I am actually wanting this because I have the pirep requests being forwarded to my phone, and instead of browsing to my site (on my phone) I would like to just hit a link. Kinda like a confirm registration link. I have been researching how to do this, but no luck. Anyone got any ideas ?
I think its a great idea ! As a CEO I often would like to fly routes in aircraft other than the ones on my own VA, and adding every aircraft to a VA would be tons of work AND (in my personal opinion) detract from the intent of the VA. I also agree that variety is the spice of life. I also DISagree with a minimum flight hours or flights to maintain pilot status. I think to really make it even more appealing to everyone we should figure out a way for the pilots to add their hours flown with a partner VA to their "mother VA". I understand that some pilots are all about getting the hours up on their main VA. so lets say that my VA partners with another. A pilot who considers mine to be their "mother/main" VA does a flight on one of my partners sites. The pilot emails/forums me to let me know how many hours he has flown, perhaps then I email my partner VA for confirmation (if I think it prudent) . Could I then add those hours to my pilots records on my site ? (easily as this would hopefully happen over and over again) Or even a points system perhaps ? Pilots get a percentage of the hours from a partner on the main site. I would be very interested in pursuing this idea if anyone is interested. (the more the merrier)
Lots of new updates, Pakak Air is ready to fly ! Special thanks to simpilot for all his help. I hope that y'all will check us out.
I am wondering, I know that I can check to see if there is any information in the table and change my php output based on the findings... What I am wondering is there any way to check a link in php and use that information to effect the output ? For example... Lets say that there is a chart avaliable at http://www.chartplace.com/ICAO.html for aiport ICAO but NOT one for ICAO2 at http://www.chartplace/ICAO2.html Is there a way to check that first and only put a link up if it is avaliable ? so the page might say ICAO - link here ICAO2 - sorry not avaliable I have been doing some learning but can only find the if statement for information stored in the sql database, if its not even possible I will stop looking should I stop looking ? sorry found it...its fopen....or at least that sounds promising
THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU That is exactly what I was looking for ! Now I can build on the basics.
Ok I have spent a month now trying to write my own module... I simply want a list of all the airports and its details (name, icao, and chartlink) I have even tried using an existing class (operations data) and I just can't figure it out. I have a book on php code, but it seems to be different from the VMS. I have used this: and get a table with only the aiport name. The module file simply calls the template. My original class (that I gave up on and have now used the Operation Data one was: I was hoping that someone would be able to give me a very simple example of a class, module, and template so that I can reverse engineer it and figure this all out. I would be EXTREMEMLY greatful. I have tried reverse engineering the existing ones, but they all have too many variables built into them and it confuses me. so again....a simple class, module, and template for an airport table (no variables) would be most helpful. I hope it not too much to ask, but as I say, I have been trying for about a month now and am about to give up.
Perfect! thankyou very much, that makes perfect sense now !
That is actually the forum post I read that lead to my confusion. I am after the ultra simple answer... I have one flight on my schedule that is a passenger flight I have on flight on my schedule that is a charter flight What is the difference between the two ? (or is there no difference except for the name unless I modify stuff?)
ok... So, I have been searching and can't actually find an answer. What is the difference between setting up a flight as a charter flight or a passenger flight when it comes to PHPVMS ? I am sorry if this sound like a stupid question, but I can't seem to figure it out...
ok now I may have done this to myself, but... I changed the flight count in the database directly as I deleted a flight and it was telling me that I had a minus 1 flight count. Now when I add a Pirep the flight count stays the same, although all else changes (hours etc..etc..) Did I screw something up by changing the value manually ? I have tried all of the maint options, I'm not sure what to do. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated ( I think that it is only doing it for the one pilot that I changed the total flight number manually for) Thanks. UPDATE I was able to get everything back up and running again by turning off the auto accept pireps. (which is a shame) but that seems to have fixed the problem.
Well my second attempt at a VA is up and running (in its infant stages) Its mostly beaver and otter flights, based on the history of Canada and the Fur trade. Historically accurate fur trade posts and routes flown with modern aircraft. Would be happy to accept any assistance in running it. Check it out at: www.pakakair.com Comments and advice welcome. (there is still alot of work to be done, but I think its ready to go live)
I get this error Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'PopUpNews::popupnewsitem' was given in *********core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218 I cant seem to figure it out.. (it happens when I click the link in the list box) Sorry, didn't see the updated version, I downloaded version 1.1 and now have it working good. Thanks
Ok so I dumped it all and tried again from scratch.... seems to be working again now, but unfortunately I can't tell you what the cause was (bad table install or code) because I dumped everything and started from scratch. you can mark this topic as solved if you like
thanks, I think I will try it out as is and see what happens. I am hoping that the website will still be able to add things to the table, I{ will keep y'all updated as to how it goes.